
Converting Date to epoch milliseconds

I have a Java Date (Fri Jun 28 10:00:01 GMT+01:00 2024) which I want to convert to Epoch millis to send to the backend.

I have tried the following:

typealias Dates = java.util.Date

fun Dates.toEpochMillis(timeZoneId: ZoneId): Long {
    val one = Instant.ofEpochMilli(time).toEpochMilli() // 1719565201000
    val three = secsToMillis(this.toLocalDateTime(timeZoneId).utcEpochSecs) // 1719568801000
    return one

fun Dates.toLocalDateTime(timeZoneId: ZoneId): LocalDateTime {
    return Instant.ofEpochMilli(time).atZone(timeZoneId).toLocalDateTime()

fun secsToMillis(timeInSecs: Long): Long {
    return timeInSecs * 1000

Which of the above is correct or do you suggest any other way of doing this?


  • You can use this:

    fun Dates.toEpochMillis(): Long =