
Changing tense of text from present/future to past tense

Please suggest the best approach to convert texts to past tense.

I tried using spacy with "en_core_web_sm" model which was not very efficient. Text - text = "The primary purpose of this Phase 3 study is to confirm the clinical benefits of poziotinib in a randomized study and to support the results from Phase 2 Study SPI-POZ-202 (ZENITH20) Cohort 2" Output - The primary purpose of this Phase 3 study is to confirmed the clinical benefits of poziotinib in a randomizeed study and to supported the results from Phase 2 Study SPI - POZ-202 ( ZENITH20 ) Cohort 2 .

i used pyinflect, and the output was:The primary purpose of thwas Phase 3 study was to confirm the clinical benefits of poziotinib in a randomized study and to support the results from Phase 2 Study SPI-POZ-202 (ZENITH20) Cohort 2.

it is converting this-thwas (considering present tense "is")

Tied using pattern.text.en, it seemed to give same results as the first one.


  • For converting text to past tense, you might want to try the tenseflow library (see here), which is specifically designed for this task. Here’s a quick example of how to use it:

    1. pip install tenseflow

    2. Use it in code:

      from tenseflow import tenseflow
      text = "The primary purpose of this Phase 3 study is to confirm the clinical benefits of poziotinib in a randomized study and to support the results from Phase 2 Stud SPI-POZ-202 (ZENITH20) Cohort 2."
      past_tense_text = tenseflow.to_past(text)

    This should give you a more accurate conversion to past tense. If you encounter any issues or inaccuracies, you might need to manualy tweak the output or consider combining multiple methods for better results.