
How to change io.micronaut log level?

I have a Java 17 Gradle application and use JUnit Jupiter for testing. When I run tests io.micronaut diligently writes all its numerous DEBUG log messages. I want to change the vebosity level and after consulting the documentation I tried to change the appropriate values in application.yml and log4j2.xml in both main and test folder without avail. I also tried to change log level on runtime, also without avail.

void setUp() {
    final Logger logger = (Logger)LoggerFactory.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);


  • The problem is that the original author of the project has inadvertently copy-pasted from another project libraries into the build.gradle file, so that it has both log4j and logback definitions.

    implementation platform("org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-bom:2.20.0")

    and used log4j2.xml whereas the system internally has used logback and therefore all my changes had no effect. deleting all log4j files and using logback.xml works perfectly.