I have div, inside I have some cards from daisyui. I want those cards to justify center on smaller screens(I have flexed it to column for smaller screens).
<div className='container mx-auto lg:px-28 mt-0 h-auto sm:w-full'>
<div className='md:shadow-[rgba(0,0,15,0.5)_10px_5px_4px_0px,rgba(0,0,15,0.5)_-10px_5px_4px_0px] mt-0 lg:pl-5 lg:pr-20 lg:pb-10'>
<p className="lg:pt-10 font-sans tracking-widest font-bold textarea-lg md:text-3xl to-base-content">Now Showing</p>
<div className='lg:pl-20 lg:pt-10 h-auto w-auto flex lg:flex-row justify-self-center md:justify-between flex-col'>
<MovieCard />
<MovieCard />
<MovieCard />
Here the is something I defined and it's like this
<div className="rounded-md lg:w-72 lg:h-80 w-64 group bg-no-repeat bg-center bg-cover bg-[url('https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2JJ0F44/turbo-poster-turbo-2013-2JJ0F44.jpg')]">
{/* bg-[url(bgUrl)] */}
className=" mt-28 translate-y-8 transform opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:translate-y-0 group-hover:opacity-100"
<div className="card-body bg-base-content">
<h2 className="card-title text-black">Shoes!</h2>
<p className='text-black'>If a dog chews shoes whose shoes does he choose?</p>
<div className="card-actions justify-end">
<button className="btn btn-primary">Book Now</button>
I want to justify center on above code .
To center the cards for the smaller screen just use the items-center
instead of using justify-center
here is the example:-
<div className='container mx-auto lg:px-28 mt-0 h-auto sm:w-full'>
<div className='md:shadow-[rgba(0,0,15,0.5)_10px_5px_4px_0px,rgba(0,0,15,0.5)_-10px_5px_4px_0px] mt-0 lg:pl-5 lg:pr-20 lg:pb-10'>
<p className="lg:pt-10 font-sans tracking-widest font-bold textarea-lg md:text-3xl to-base-content">Now Showing</p>
<div className='lg:pl-20 lg:pt-10 h-auto w-auto flex lg:flex-row items-center md:justify-between flex-col'>
<MovieCard />
<MovieCard />
<MovieCard />