
VB.net string comparison with Powershell return output

I will try my best to ask the question.

Here is an abstract of the function.

Dim testPath = "Test-Path 'H:\General\H5841\"
Dim removeDir = "Remove-Item 'H:\General\H5841\"

result = RunScript($"{testPath}{payType}_{payrunNum}_{trials}_{ProcessingDate_DTP.Text}'")

If String.Compare(result, "True") Then
   Output_RTB.Text = "Folder Deleted"
   Output_RTB.Text = "Folder Not Found"
End If

First, the function tests if the path is valid. Below is what the result will equal and it is working in Powershell, true if folder is found, else false. This is working.

Test-Path 'H:\General\H5841\G7_999_Final_29.03.24'

However, say when I tests it, the folder exists, and I run this function, it deletes the folder and prompts Folder Deleted but when I try to simulate that the folder is not there, it returns as False but it still shows Folder Deleted, instead of Folder Not Found.

When I start off without creating the folder, it returns False and Folder Not Found. I am not sure why this is behaving like this.

I also tried the conventional way of result is "True" and it is will go into the False condition despite the folder is there. I used MsgBox to prompt the result variable and also used a textbox to test for white spacing and it appears none.

If result Is "True" Then
   Output_RTB.Text = "Folder Deleted"
   Output_RTB.Text = "Folder Not Found"
End If

PS: the curly braces are string interpolation that grab strings from variables and form controls in VB.net before converting into a PowerShell command.

Do you know why VB.net does not do logical comparison properly or is there a different approach I can take?

Thanks in advance


  • Why are you using PowerShell for that? Can't you just do something like this:

    Option Strict On
    Imports System.IO
    Public Class Form1
        Private Sub btnOkay_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnOkay.Click
            Dim folderPath As String = txtFolderPath.Text
            Output_RTB.Text = TryDeleteFolderAndReportSuccess(folderPath)
        End Sub
        Private Shared Function TryDeleteFolderAndReportSuccess(folderPath As String) As String
                If DeleteFolder(folderPath) Then Return $"Folder '{folderPath}' deleted."
                Return $"Folder '{folderPath}' not found!"
            Catch ex As Exception
                Return $"Folder '{folderPath}' could not be deleted! The following error occurred: {ex.Message}"
            End Try
        End Function
        Private Shared Function DeleteFolder(folderPath As String) As Boolean
                Directory.Delete(folderPath, recursive:=True)
                Return True
            Catch ex As DirectoryNotFoundException
                Return False
            End Try
        End Function
    End Class