I'm working on a project using Symfony 7.1 and PHP 8.3. I've encountered an issue with the AssetMapper where my JavaScript files only load on the initial page load or after an F5 refresh. When navigating between pages, the JS files do not load correctly.
For example, I have installed DataTables.net with AssetMapper. Everything works fine on the first page load, and my DataTable is properly initialized
However, if I navigate away from this page and then return, the DataTable is no longer initialized because the JS file is not being called again.
In this example, I used DataTables, but I experience the same issue with my own custom JS files.
Steps Taken:
Code Snippet (app.js):
import './styles/app.css';
import 'datatables.net-dt/css/dataTables.dataTables.min.css';
import './bootstrap.js';
import DataTable from 'datatables.net-dt';
function loadDatatable() {
console.log( '%c loadDatatable', 'background: #00FF2E; color: #000000' );
new DataTable( '#users-datatable', {
ajax: Routing.generate( 'app_users_ajax' ),
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
columns: [
{ data: 'id' },
{ data: 'email' },
{ data: 'firstName' },
{ data: 'lastName' },
{ data: 'status' },
data: 'action',
render: function ( data, type, row ) {
return `<a href="/?_switch_user=${ row.email }" class="font-bold w-full rounded my-1 bg-primary text-white text-primary-foreground hover:bg-primary-hover py-2 px-3">Impersonate</a>`;
} );
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function () {
} );
{% block javascripts %}
{% block importmap %}
{{ importmap('app') }}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
Error Message:
No specific error messages are displayed in the console when navigating back to the page.
Symfony and PHP Versions:
Symfony version: 7.1 PHP version: 8.3
Thank you for your help!
I have found a solution to my problem based on the comments from 537mfb on this issue.
No - what is in my answer is the one solution that worked for me - maybe you could remove @hotwired/turbo and @hotwired/stimulus if you're really not going to take advantage of them, but I haven't tried that and can't say if there will be any other consequences from removing them
To be clear - I believe @hotwired/turbo specifiacally is responsable for this behaviour of code set to run on DOMLoaded only running on first page load - unless the page has a different entrypoint from importmap
Here's what I did to resolve the issue:
I removed symfony/ux-turbo
from my project:
composer remove stimulus-bundle
I also removed the following references for AssetMapper:
php bin/console importmap:remove @hotwired/stimulus
php bin/console importmap:remove @hotwired/turbo
php bin/console importmap:remove @symfony/stimulus-bundle
In my app.js
file, I removed this import:
import './bootstrap.js';
After making these changes, my JS files load correctly with each navigation, and I no longer experience the issue.
I am not sure about potential side effects, as I haven't dug deeper into this and my project isn't very large.
Thanks to 537mfb for the helpful information!