
When Converting excel to csv for empty cells quotes not coming

I'm trying to import excel file to csv format through power shell using this command

import-excel c:\users\xxxx\TestFile.xlsx | export-csv c:\users\xxx\CSVFile.csv -NoTypeInformation  -Encoding UTF8

It is working fine but issue is when the column value is empty for that double quotes are not coming.

Sample out put:-

"98456","Millan, Don K","Millan","Don","K",,"MD","SPECIALISTS","UROLOGY",,,,"0-99",,

Required output:-

"98456","Millan, Don K","Millan","Don","K","","MD","SPECIALISTS","UROLOGY","","","","0-99","",""

My excel input data is like below one

enter image description here

So is there any way to get quotes for all the empty cell when converting to csv in powershell.


  • Your "missing" values imply the source data is $null for those properties:

    PS> [pscustomobject] @{
        "col1"  = "val1"
        "col2" = $null
        #        ^^^^^ null value
        "col3" = "val3"
    } | convertto-csv

    which outputs

    #     ^^ no content

    If you want an empty quoted string in the output, you need to put that value in the data:

    PS> [pscustomobject] @{
        "col1" = "val1"
        "col2" = ""
        #        ^^ empty string
        "col3" = "val3"
    } | convertto-csv

    which then outputs:

    #      ^^ empty string

    So, after you've imported your data with import-excel iterate over all the results and change any $null values to "" before you call export-csv:

    $data = import-excel c:\users\xxxx\TestFile.xlsx
    foreach( $item in $data }
       foreach( $property in $item.psobject.properties )
           if( $null -eq $property.Value )
               $property.Value = ""
    $data | export-csv c:\users\xxx\CSVFile.csv -NoTypeInformation  -Encoding UTF8

    The result might not look any different if you display the property values on-screen before and after changing them, because neither $null nor "" display any printable characters, but when you export them you'll see the desired output.