
Difference between mlmodel and mlpackage

CoreML models can be saved as either a Neural Network or a ML Program, in either “.mlmodel” (Neural Net) or “.mlpackage” (Neural Net/ML Program)

I know the Pytorch Saved Models are in .pth or .pt. But what are the differences between mlmodle and mlpackage.

Which is preferred where vs the another ?

Couldnt find any consolidated thing describing this


  • From

    A Core ML model package is a file-system structure that can store a model in separate files, similar to an app bundle. Model packages offer more flexibility and extensibility than Core ML model files, including editable metadata and separation of a model’s architecture from its weights and biases. delves into specifics. The main points are:

    Neural Network ML Program
    Layers with a computational graph representation Operations with a programmatic representation
    Weights embedded in layers Weights decoupled and serialized
    Intermediate tensor type implicit Intermediate tensor type explicit
    Limited control over precision More granular control over precision