How to add new access policy to Azure key vault without deleting all existing access policies. Using Azure SDK for .net Azure.ResourceManager.KeyVault

The question is in the title, I cannot find a way to add Access Policies to a key vault without deleting all the existing access policies. I have asked the same question in the project github, without any help there yet.

I am using Azure.ResourceManager.KeyVault version 1.2.3


  • I got a working answer in the github thread now.

    IdentityAccessPermissions accessPermissions = new IdentityAccessPermissions()
        Secrets =
    KeyVaultAccessPolicy accessPolicy = new KeyVaultAccessPolicy(tenantId, principalId1, accessPermissions);
    var accessPolicies = new List<KeyVaultAccessPolicy>() { accessPolicy };
    var updateProperties = new KeyVaultAccessPolicyProperties(accessPolicies);
    var updateParameters = new KeyVaultAccessPolicyParameters(updateProperties);
    keyVault.UpdateAccessPolicy(AccessPolicyUpdateKind.Add, updateParameters);

    Actually, I already tried that, but didn't know it was working since it wasn't showing in the keyvault instances access policies. I had to get the keyvault instance again to get the added access policy.

    vaultCollection = resourceGroup.GetKeyVaults();
    keyVault = vaultCollection.First(x => x.Id == keyVault.Id);

    Now, the keyVault contains the added access policy.