I have an app and want to start a Closed Testing track to get a review from Google. My app has the following user "roadmap":
At any time they can log-out and log-in again. In log-in they will be directed to the "Main" app (and not the Onboarding obviously) and have access to the features that correspond to free or premium account.
This is a fairly regular model that multiple apps have. I cant find clear instructions from google, or any other source, on how to submit such an app for review. There are various cases for google testers to check:
I have already created a username and password, and passed them in App Content -> App Access, but this is just for logging into the app, not for premium access.
Thanks in advance.
Just answering this for anyone interested.
I created 2 user accounts for google to test with:
With the premium account, I completed the onboarding process, entered the app, test-bought a premium account and gave it premium access forever. In my case I am using RevenueCat so I used the "granted entitlements" feature. With this account the google testers can test all premium features.
With the free account, I just signed up, and DID NOT complete the onboarding process so that google testers can test it themselves, and then enter in the free tier of the app, so that they can test it as well.
In both of the accounts, I provided google with the emails, and passwords for each account in:
Play Console / App / App Content / App Access.
I submitted the app for review in the Closed Testing Track. It took them 2 weeks to review my app. The update was accepted.