
What is the best way to make sure the "django-timezone" session variable is set based on a user's profile preference each time they log in


I read this section in Django's documentation titled "Selecting the current time zone,", and it's clear to me how a user can select their preferred timezone for their session (and then the middleware makes sure it is used throughout their session):


If I store a user's timezone preference in a User model or User profile model, what is the best way to make sure the "django-timezone" session variable is always set for all their sessions (each time they log in)?



  • Extending LoginView

    As suggested by Kevin Christopher Henry in the comments, I extended the built-in login view (decided to put the logic in the form_valid() method) after implementing what was suggested in Django's documentation titled "Selecting the current time zone." I'll show the relevant parts of my custom user model as well so it's clear how I'm storing users' time zone preferences.

    from django.contrib.auth.base_user import AbstractBaseUser
    from django.contrib.auth.models import PermissionsMixin
    from django.contrib.auth.validators import ASCIIUsernameValidator
    # third-party package
    from timezone_field import TimeZoneField
    TZ_CHOICES = [
        (ZoneInfo('Pacific/Honolulu'), 'Pacific/Honolulu'),
        (ZoneInfo('America/Anchorage'), 'America/Anchorage'),
        (ZoneInfo('America/Los_Angeles'), 'America/Los_Angeles'),
        (ZoneInfo('US/Arizona'), 'US/Arizona'),
        (ZoneInfo('America/Denver'), 'America/Denver'),
        (ZoneInfo('America/Chicago'), 'America/Chicago'),
        (ZoneInfo('America/New_York'), 'America/New_York'),
    class CustomUser(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):
        username_validator = ASCIIUsernameValidator()
        """A bunch of fields (username, email, etc.)"""
        tz_preference = TimeZoneField(
            use_pytz=False, default="America/Denver", choices=TZ_CHOICES, choices_display="STANDARD", verbose_name=_('Timezone Preference')

    from django.contrib.auth.views import LoginView
    from django.contrib.auth import login as auth_login
    import zoneinfo
    from django.utils import timezone
    class CustomLoginView(LoginView):
        def form_valid(self, form):
            """Security check complete. Log the user in."""
            auth_login(self.request, form.get_user())
            # now set session timezone according to user's preference
            tzname = self.request.user.tz_preference.key
            self.request.session["django_timezone"] = tzname
            # and activate it (after this view, middleware will activate it)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())