
Control sorting of field in a geom_col()

I'm struggling to reproduce this graph that I built in Tableau.

Tableau Version

I'm missing the Sub-totals, but think I can solve that problem. What's causing me the problem is sorting Transportation Mode by the SUM() of the overall measure. Feel like it should be handled dynamically, but I'm OK hard-coding to force it in the order that I want just to get over this hurdle and keep moving forward.

Here's what my R version looks like (disregard the forcats vertical thing on the left side, that's just junk created when I was trying to build the graphs for this post).

R Version

It's important that Personal Vehicles is on top and Pedestrians is second in each facet. When I add the subtotals into my R dataset, I will need it to be at the bottom of the facet. Not sure how to control subtotals if I can't even control the main field.

Here's the data behind the graph:

Border_Code measure_summary mode_color_code annual_crossings record_cnt
CAN Personal Vehicles #C14F22 20608230 973
CAN Trucks #34844A 5526056 896
CAN Pedestrians #4E79A7 215983 347
CAN Buses #8074A8 48334 398
CAN Trains #848E93 20732 276
MEX Personal Vehicles #C14F22 75891766 312
MEX Pedestrians #4E79A7 39421651 329
MEX Trucks #34844A 7356659 257
MEX Buses #8074A8 118719 179
MEX Trains #848E93 10772 84

Here's my R code to produce the dataset that does some of the early data wrangling before I aggregate to the CSV file. I don't think this is the problem, but I do create the measure_summary factor field in this section.

# Add some features to the BASE data frame.  This is the BASE that all sub-queries (data frames) will pull from.
data_00_base_mod <- data_00_base %>%
  mutate(Border_Code = ifelse(grepl("Canada", Border, fixed = TRUE), "CAN", "MEX")) %>%
  separate(Date, c("Month", "Year"), remove = FALSE)  %>%
  # mutate(Measure = factor(Measure, order = TRUE, levels = c("Bus Passengers","Buses","Pedestrians","Personal Vehicle Passengers","Personal Vehicles","Rail Containers Empty","Rail Containers Loaded","Train Passengers","Trains","Truck Containers Empty","Truck Containers Loaded","Trucks"))) 
  # mutate(Measure = factor(Measure, order = TRUE, levels = c("Personal Vehicles","Personal Vehicle Passengers","Pedestrians","Trucks","Truck Containers Loaded","Truck Containers Empty","Buses","Bus Passengers","Trains","Train Passengers","Rail Containers Loaded","Rail Containers Empty"))) 
  mutate(measure_summary = factor(Measure, order = TRUE, levels = c("Personal Vehicles","Personal Vehicle Passengers","Pedestrians","Trucks","Truck Containers Loaded","Truck Containers Empty","Buses","Bus Passengers","Trains","Train Passengers","Rail Containers Loaded","Rail Containers Empty"))) %>%
  mutate(Measure = factor(Measure, order = TRUE, levels = c("Trains","Train Passengers","Rail Containers Loaded","Rail Containers Empty","Buses","Bus Passengers","Trucks","Truck Containers Loaded","Truck Containers Empty","Pedestrians","Personal Vehicles","Personal Vehicle Passengers"))) %>%
  # mutate(Year_num) = as.integer(Year)
  mutate(state_delete_me = State)
data_00_base_mod$Year_num <- as.integer(data_00_base_mod$Year)

  # Augment with a dimension table to help control colors and sorting in the presentation tier
  # This is all stuff I decided on when building the Tableau dashboard.  I want to follow that lead with R to make it easier to compare/contrast output side-by-side
  dim_measure <- data.frame(
    Measure=c("Bus Passengers","Buses","Pedestrians","Personal Vehicle Passengers","Personal Vehicles","Rail Containers Empty","Rail Containers Loaded","Train Passengers","Trains","Truck Containers Empty","Truck Containers Loaded","Trucks")
  # Left Join the Base table with supplemental information about the Measures to help with the presentation layer
  data_00_base_mod <- merge(x = data_00_base_mod, y = dim_measure, by = "Measure", all.x = TRUE)

And this is the block of code that builds the dataset for the graph (and the csv attachment).

  # A second pass at this using a secondary dim field, measure_summary
  data_10b_core <- data_00_base_mod %>%
    filter(measure_summary == "Personal Vehicles" | measure_summary == "Pedestrians" | measure_summary == "Trucks" | measure_summary == "Buses" | measure_summary =="Trains") %>%
    filter(Year == "2023") %>%
    select(Border_Code, measure_summary, mode_color_code, Value) %>%
    group_by(Border_Code, measure_summary, mode_color_code) %>%
    summarise(annual_crossings = sum(Value), record_cnt = n(), .groups = 'keep') %>%
    arrange(Border_Code, - annual_crossings)

  gg_10b_year_summary <- ggplot(data_10b_core) + 
    geom_col(aes(x=measure_summary, y=annual_crossings, fill = mode_color_code)) +
    geom_text(aes(x=measure_summary, y=annual_crossings, label = paste(round(annual_crossings / 1e6, 2), "M")), vjust = 0.5, hjust = -0.2) +
    coord_flip() +
    scale_fill_identity() +
    facet_grid(vars(Border_Code, )) + 
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=0),
          panel.background = element_blank(),
          strip.background = element_rect(colour="gray50", fill="gray90"),
          panel.border = element_rect(colour = "gray50", fill=NA, size=1)) +
    scale_y_continuous(name = "Inbound Border Crossings",
                       labels = unit_format(unit = "M", scale = 1e-6)
    ) + 
    labs(title = "Border Crossings by Mode and Country in 2023")

Many thanks for any help you can provide.



  • By default the categories are ordered alphabetically. If you want a specific order you have to convert to a factor with your desired order. And if you want to reorder based on the value of a numeric variable you could do so using reorder. By default reorder will reorder based on the mean but you could change that by setting FUN=sum to reorder based on the sum:

    Note: I switched x and y to get rid of the coord_flip and used geom_label (with fill=NA and label.size=0) instead of geom_text to add some padding around the labels.

    ggplot(data_10b_core, aes(
      x = annual_crossings,
      y = reorder(measure_summary, annual_crossings, FUN = sum)
    )) +
        aes(fill = mode_color_code)
      ) +
          label = paste(round(annual_crossings / 1e6, 2), "M")
        hjust = 0,
        fill = NA,
        label.size = 0
      ) +
      scale_fill_identity() +
      facet_grid(vars(Border_Code)) +
      theme_minimal() +
        axis.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
        panel.background = element_blank(),
        strip.background = element_rect(colour = "gray50", fill = "gray90"),
        panel.border = element_rect(colour = "gray50", fill = NA, size = 1)
      ) +
        name = "Inbound Border Crossings",
        labels = unit_format(unit = "M", scale = 1e-6)
      ) +
      labs(title = "Border Crossings by Mode and Country in 2023")
    #> Warning: The `size` argument of `element_rect()` is deprecated as of ggplot2 3.4.0.
    #> ℹ Please use the `linewidth` argument instead.
    #> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
    #> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
    #> generated.


    data_10b_core <- structure(list(Border_Code = c(
      "CAN", "CAN", "CAN", "CAN", "CAN",
      "MEX", "MEX", "MEX", "MEX", "MEX"
    ), measure_summary = c(
      "Personal Vehicles",
      "Trucks", "Pedestrians", "Buses", "Trains", "Personal Vehicles",
      "Pedestrians", "Trucks", "Buses", "Trains"
    ), mode_color_code = c(
      "#34844A", "#4E79A7", "#8074A8", "#848E93", "#C14F22", "#4E79A7",
      "#34844A", "#8074A8", "#848E93"
    ), annual_crossings = c(
      5526056, 215983, 48334, 20732, 75891766, 39421651, 7356659, 118719,
    ), record_cnt = c(
      973, 896, 347, 398, 276, 312, 329, 257,
      179, 84
    )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10L))