my powershell code is so slow to delete all the event subscriptins from the system topic.
# Get all event subscription names associated with the system topic
$subscriptions = az eventgrid system-topic event-subscription list --system-topic-name $systemTopicName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --query "[].name" -o tsv
# Iterate through each subscription and delete it
foreach ($sub in $subscriptions) {
Write-Host "Deleting event subscription: $sub"
az eventgrid system-topic event-subscription delete --system-topic-name $systemTopicName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $sub --yes
Is there any faster way to remove all the event subscriptions?
ForEach-Object -Parallel is available from Powershell v7.0 and can be used to parallelize work.
Try something like this (not tested):
# Get all event subscription names associated with the system topic
$subscriptions = az eventgrid system-topic event-subscription list --system-topic-name $systemTopicName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --query "[].name" -o tsv
# Iterate through each subscription and delete it
$subscriptions | Foreach-Object -Parallel {
Write-Host "Deleting event subscription: $_"
az eventgrid system-topic event-subscription delete --system-topic-name $systemTopicName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --name $_ --yes
} -ThrottleLimit 5
Please note that:
parameter limits the number of script blocks running in parallel at a given time, and its default value is 5.See ForEach-Object for more details and examples.