
Import formula from variable - Excel VBA

Using the below code i m trying to loop column and rows. When cells in green import the range in the formula string. At row 7 i want to import a formula which sum up the green cells but i want the formula to be shown. the loop works fine, the formula create fine but is imported as string instead of a formula.

Any help will appreciated.

enter image description here

Sub test()

    Dim Row As Long
    Dim Col As Long
    Dim strFormula As String
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        'Loop columns
        For Col = 1 To 3
            'Clear strFormula variable
            strFormula = ""
            'Loop rows
            For Row = 1 To 5
                'Check if cell is green
                If .Cells(Row, Col).Interior.Color = 9359529 Then
                    'Create formula
                    If strFormula = "" Then
                        strFormula = """=SUM(.cells(" & Row & "," & Col & ")"
                        strFormula = strFormula & ",.cells(" & Row & "," & Col & ")"
                    End If
                End If
            Next Row
            'Finalize formula
            If strFormula <> "" Then
                strFormula = strFormula & ")"""
                'Import formula
                .Cells(7, Col).Formula = strFormula
            End If
        Next Col
    End With
End Sub


  • Please do not name your variable as Row. Row is a property and this will interfere with that.

    I would do this slightly different. I would identify the range which has the relevant color and construct a range object which will have only those cells. In the end I will use it with an apostrophe ' to enter the formula as text.

    Is this what you are trying?

    Option Explicit
    Sub Sample()
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim rw As Long
        Dim cl As Long
        Dim rngGreen As Range
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        With ws
            For cl = 1 To 3
                Set rngGreen = Nothing
                For rw = 1 To 5
                    If .Cells(rw, cl).Interior.Color = 9359529 Then
                        If rngGreen Is Nothing Then
                            Set rngGreen = .Cells(rw, cl)
                            Set rngGreen = Union(.Cells(rw, cl), rngGreen)
                        End If
                    End If
                Next rw
                If Not rngGreen Is Nothing Then .Cells(7, cl).Formula = _
                "'=Sum(" & rngGreen.Address & ")"
            Next cl
        End With
    End Sub

    Note: To get the sum, you can use "=Sum(" & rngGreen.Address & ")" without the apostrophe.

    enter image description here