I am trying to print out all channels of specific category. I have initialised the session, the user-bot is going through the chats, but does not print to the console the chats that meet the requirements of conditional If-statement.
When I execute:
async for dialog in app.get_dialogs():
I get an output like this for all the chats I have:
"_": "Chat",
"id": -4031246626,
"type": "ChatType.GROUP",
"is_creator": true,
"title": "comments",
"has_protected_content": false,
"members_count": 0
However, when I try to output specific information about "dialog" (iterator from the loop) - the program does not output anything into the console. Here is the full code of the function, where "app" is the client:
async def main():
async with app:
print("[LOG] --- [INFO] ---> The client has Started.")
# Get all dialogs (chats) the user is involved with
async for dialog in app.get_dialogs():
if dialog.chat.type == "ChatType.PRIVATE":
print(f"Private Chat: {dialog.chat.title} | ID: {dialog.chat.id}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"[LOG] --- [ERROR] ---> {e}")
What can I do to get the desired output I want?
I figured out the problem. Two things were wrong:
from pyrogram.enums import ChatType
if dialog.chat.type in [ChatType.GROUP, ChatType.SUPERGROUP, ChatType.CHANNEL]