I am creating resources on AWS using TF and running into an error while trying to create an event bridge scheduler.
Based on TF documentation itself,
schedule_expression = "rate(1 hours)"
Since, I want the event bridge to fire at 8:30am every morning on weekdays and also 5:30pm on weekdays, I used the expression below
schedule_expression = "rate(30 8,17 ? * 2-6 *)"
My pipeline constantly returns this error saying expression is invalid
creating AWS EventBridge Scheduler Schedule (auto-stop-ec2): operation error Scheduler: CreateSchedule, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: baea3d64-f093-4394-a598-509f959c7010, ValidationException: Invalid Schedule Expression rate(30 8,17 ? * 2-6 *).
can any one please offer any advice on what I am doing wrong?
According to Schedule types on EventBridge Scheduler, the syntax to use a Cron-based schedule is the following:
cron(minutes hours day-of-month month day-of-week year)
I want the event bridge to fire at 8:30am every morning on weekdays and also 5:30pm on weekdays
Try the following:
schedule_expression = "cron(30 8,17 ? * MON-FRI *)"
You can validate the above expression using CronHub.