
CamelAzureServiceBus headers missing since upgrading to camel-azure-servicebus-4.4.2

I have a connection to an Azure service bus queue defined in xml

<route id="Elexon_IRIS_Route">
    <from uri="azureQueueEndpoint" />
    <convertBodyTo type="java.lang.String"/>
    <to uri="localAMQ:topic:IRIS-Elexon"/>

<bean id="azureServiceBusComponent" class="org.apache.camel.component.azure.servicebus.ServiceBusComponent">
        <property name="configuration">
            <bean class="org.apache.camel.component.azure.servicebus.ServiceBusConfiguration">
                <property name="credentialType" value="TOKEN_CREDENTIAL" />
                <property name="tokenCredential" ref="azauth" />
                <property name="fullyQualifiedNamespace" value="elexon-iris.servicebus.windows.net" />

Using camel-azure-servicebus-4.4.1 I get the following headers returned for each message:


But when I change to camel-azure-servicebus-4.4.2 the only headers I get are:


How do I get the CamelAzureServiceBus headers back? I filter on those within a processing script so this is a rather breaking change.

I can't see anything obvious updated in the docs, but there is this JIRA


  • This was caused by a bug in 4.4.2 and has now been resolved and confirmed working as expected in 4.4.3


    Anyone using 4.10.2 will find the issue is back again - CAMEL-21890 (see the comments) However this time its more of an intended change in behaviour...

    Now you will need some additional config in your xml file;

    Add this outside of the </camelContext>

    <bean id="classicJmsHeaderFilterStrategy" class="org.apache.camel.component.jms.ClassicJmsHeaderFilterStrategy">
      <constructor-arg value="false"/>

    and then inside your existing <bean id="localAMQ" class="org.apache.camel.component.activemq.ActiveMQComponent"> add the following line; <property name="headerFilterStrategy" ref="classicJmsHeaderFilterStrategy"/>

    Reload your broker and the headers will be back once again.