I am trying to make a KQL query that detects get requests to an address on port 80 more than 5 times within a 5 minute timespan. This query works fine when I run it in "Advanced Hunting" but fails when it is assigned to a detection rule.
The error I receive is "No events match the given event identifiers (a combination of ReportId, AlertId, BehaviorId, or DeviceId and Timestamp). Edit the query's aggregation expressions for these columns and try again."
| extend parsed = parse_json(AdditionalFields)
| where parsed.method has "get"
| where RemotePort == 80
| where not (parsed.host endswith ".goog" or parsed.host startswith "10.32.")
| where not (parsed.uri endswith "windowsupdate.com")
| where not (parsed.host has_any ("intranet", "gvt1.com", "usertrust.com", "entrust.net", "wpad", "", "adobe.com", "msftconnecttest.com", "narrabay", "windowsupdate.com", "microsoft.com", "digicert.com", "lencr.org", "amazontrust.com"))
| summarize (Timestamp, ReportId)=arg_max(Timestamp, ReportId), count() by DeviceId, bin(Timestamp, 5m)
| where count_ > 5
As far as I know, I need the ReportId, DeviceId, and Timestamp in order for this to work, which I have. I also tried with the AlertId and BehaviorId. What can I do to make this detection rule work?
It seems I figured it out. Since I was using Timestamp twice (Once for arg_max and once in bin), it was sending two timestamps which seemingly makes it not work. I just added
extend timestamp2 = Timestamp
and used that in bin instead of Timestamp itself.