I'm encountering a persistent 64-bit error when trying to publish an update for my Android application's App Bundle on Google Play.
.ndk.abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','x86','x86_64'
.I've interacted with Google Play support, but they were unable to resolve the issue and closed the ticket, stating they couldn't provide a more specific answer. Any insights or suggestions to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Android automatically considers any APK as only working in a 32-bit environment if it contains a file with the extension ".bc" (RenderScript) -- This is documented here: https://developer.android.com/games/optimize/64-bit#renderscript-and-64-bit
You seem to be using an obfuscator which changes the name of some files. One of the files under directory META-INF/
does not have an extension but the name of the file was renamed to com.package.name.Bc
<-- Android (and thus Play) thought this was a RenderScript file because of the seemingly extension ".bc" and thus flagged the AAB as being 32-bit regardless of the native libraries available.
A re-run of the obfuscator after having commented one line of code led to a different random file name com.package.name.Cc
and that's why the other AAB worked.
Granted, it would help debugging if the error message included the reason why it's not 64-bit compliant... :/