I would like to style a link inside of a Quarto reveal.js presentation as a button, similar to this thread: https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/discussions/4920.
However, the links are not styled as buttons when rendered even though the correct Bootstrap classes are assigned in the HTML:
What am I doing wrong? I am assuming that the presentation includes the Bootstrap styling.
title: Links as Buttons
format: revealjs
## Intro
This link should appear as a button:
[Conclusion](#sec-conclusion){.btn .btn-outline-primary .btn role="button"}
[Conclusion](#sec-conclusion){.btn .btn-danger .btn role="button"}
## Conclusion {#sec-conclusion}
Some text.
Bootstrap is not automatically included in revealjs
, you have to do this, e.g. by using include-in-header:
title: Links as Buttons
format: revealjs
text: |
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap/5.3.3/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel ="stylesheet" integrity="sha512-jnSuA4Ss2PkkikSOLtYs8BlYIeeIK1h99ty4YfvRPAlzr377vr3CXDb7sb7eEEBYjDtcYj+AjBH3FLv5uSJuXg==" crossorigin="anonymous">
## Intro
This link should appear as a button:
[Conclusion](#sec-conclusion){.btn .btn-outline-primary .btn role="button"}
[Conclusion](#sec-conclusion){.btn .btn-danger .btn role="button"}
## Conclusion {#sec-conclusion}
Some text.