I want a particular image to be run with specific settings at start tiime as noted here
StartupPreferencesLoader default executeAtomicItems: { (StartupAction
name: 'Start Literate Server'
code: [
| class |
class := Smalltalk at: #LiterateServer ifAbsent: [
Metacello new
baseline: 'LiterateSmalltalk';
repository: 'github://jingtaozf/literate-smalltalk';
onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ];
Smalltalk at: #LiterateServer ].
class ifNotNil: [ LiterateServer start ] ]
runOnce: false) }
Is there some way to accomplish this?
I found on old tutorial that explains the steps Tips and Tricks Booklet from 2017
It involves creating some StartupActions which are executed when the image is loaded.
My need is for start up settings that are specific for particular image and hence are saved in a file in the image's directory rather than the shared preferences directory for Pharo in general or the VM versions shared directory.
| items |
items := OrderedCollection new.
items add: (StartupAction
name: 'Start Literate Server'
code: [
| class |
class := Smalltalk at: #LiterateServer ifAbsent: [
Metacello new
baseline: 'LiterateSmalltalk';
repository: 'github://jingtaozf/literate-smalltalk';
onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ];
Smalltalk at: #LiterateServer ].
class ifNotNil: [ LiterateServer start ] ]
runOnce: false).
StartupPreferencesLoader default
addAtStartupInImageDirectory: items.
This resulted in a file startup.st
having the following contents.
StartupPreferencesLoader default executeAtomicItems: {
StartupAction name: 'Start Literate Server' code: [
| class |
class := Smalltalk at: #LiterateServer ifAbsent: [
Metacello new
baseline: 'LiterateSmalltalk';
repository: 'github://jingtaozf/literate-smalltalk';
onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ];
Smalltalk at: #LiterateServer ].
class ifNotNil: [ LiterateServer start ] ].