I would like to get this result:
var eventDate: [DateComponents: EventType] = [
DateComponents(calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian), year: 2024, month: 7, day: 04): .busy,
DateComponents(calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian), year: 2024, month: 8, day: 07): .busy,
DateComponents(calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian), year: 2024, month: 10, day: 16): .busy,
DateComponents(calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian), year: 2024, month: 12, day: 17): .busy,
DateComponents(calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian), year: 2025, month: 4, day: 18): .busy,
DateComponents(calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian), year: 2026, month: 9, day: 26): .busy
I'm trying this way but I'm not getting what I want. I don't get the list you see at the beginning.
func dateTimestampDividedInt(date: TimeInterval) -> (year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) {
let calendar = Calendar.current
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: date)
let day = calendar.component(.day, from: date)
let month = calendar.component(.month, from: date)
let year = calendar.component(.year, from: date)
return (year, month, day)
for employee in eventArrayIcon {
let timeIntervalDateEndDivided = employee.dateEnd?.dateTimestampDividedInt(date: employee.dateEnd ?? 0.0)
let yearInt = timeIntervalDateEndDivided?.year
let monthInt = timeIntervalDateEndDivided?.month
let dayInt = timeIntervalDateEndDivided?.day
eventDate = [
DateComponents(calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian), year: yearInt, month: monthInt, day: dayInt): .busy
Let's simplify and focus on how works the Dictionary
as all the DateComponents
make things noisy.
You can stop what you're doing, open a Playground and test to ensure your understanding of Dictionary
is up to date and correct.
What you're currently doing: Setting the whole value of myDic1
each time
ie: Forget about your previous values, now you're just ["Key\(i)": "Value \(i)"]
So its output will be the last override ie myDic1 = ["Key\(4)": "Value \(4)"]
var myDic1: [String: Any] = [:]
for i in 0...4 {
myDic1 = ["Key\(i)": "Value \(i)"]
print("Partial1: \(myDic1)")
print("Final1: \(myDic1)")
What you want is to set the value for each new key:
var myDic2: [String: Any] = [:]
for i in 0...4 {
myDic2["Key\(i)"] = "Value \(i)"
print("Partial1: \(myDic2)")
print("Final2: \(myDic2)")
But for Dictionaries, key are unique. Meaning that if you do:
myDict[key] = Value0
myDict[key] = Value1
Then, myDict[key]
will be Value1
(ie, the last one set for key
var myDic3: [String: Any] = [:]
for i in 0...4 {
myDic3["Key\(i)"] = "Value \(i)"
print("Partial3: \(myDic3)")
for i in 0...4 {
myDic3["Key\(i)"] = "New Value \(i)"
print("Partial3: \(myDic3)")
print("Final3: \(myDic3)")
So in your case, if the key DateComponents(calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian), year: yearInt, month: monthInt, day: dayInt)
is the same for different employee, you'll get only the last value set. So you need to change your model.
I don't know what you want to do with your model, but var eventDate: [DateComponents: [EventType]]
could be a solution, meaning that you can have multiple EventType for a same DateComponents
, etc.
So you need to debug and print print("Partial1: \(myDic1)")
equivalent in your code inside the loop.