I am building an iOS app with Ionic Vue and using Firebase as a DB.
When I am running my app in the browser as pure JS code everything works fine. All of my DB queries return data as expected. When I run the same app in Xcode simulator my queries stop working. The only query that seem to return any data to console is GetDocs and forEach(doc)
Works both Web iOS ✅
// Function to log Firestore data
const logFirestoreData = async () => {
try {
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collection(db, "habits"));
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
console.log(`Document ID: ${doc.id}, Data: ${JSON.stringify(doc.data())}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error getting Firestore data:", error);
Does not work iOS ❌ works on Web ✅
// Function to fetch habits and subscribe to changes
export const fetchHabits = async (itemsRef) => {
const habitsCollection = collection(db, "habits");
const habitsQuery = query(habitsCollection, orderBy("date", "asc")); // Adjust orderBy as per your requirement
const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(habitsQuery, (snapshot) => {
itemsRef.value = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => ({
id: doc.id,
date: doc.data().date,
description: doc.data().description,
name: doc.data().name,
commited_days_this_week: doc.data().commited_days_this_week,
days_this_week: doc.data().days_this_week,
total_streak: doc.data().total_streak,
return unsubscribe;
But the moment I change this query to be more intelligent to use Where or OnSnapshot it does not log any errors or return any data. I just have an empty app with no records.
const auth = initializeAuth(app, {
persistence: browserLocalPersistence, // This uses localStorage
This solution seems to have worked.