Trying to get the MikroORM CLI running, but no luck.
I have NX monorepo with MikroORM
being a library.
I have tried with .env
variables and with package.json
but getting different errors for them.
Using package.json
This is the package.json
This is the MikroORM
config file
import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config'
import { MikroOrmModuleOptions } from '@mikro-orm/nestjs'
import { MySqlDriver, ReflectMetadataProvider } from '@mikro-orm/mysql'
import { SeedManager } from '@mikro-orm/seeder'
import { Migrator } from '@mikro-orm/migrations'
import { SoftDeletableHandlerSubscriber } from '@my-app/core'
const mikroOrmConfig = {
user: process.env['DB_USERNAME'],
host: process.env['DB_HOST'],
password: process.env['DB_PASSWORD'],
dbName: process.env['DB_NAME'],
port: parseInt(process.env['DB_PORT'] as string),
driver: MySqlDriver,
autoLoadEntities: true,
entities: ['dist/**/entities/*.js'],
entitiesTs: ['src/**/entities/*.ts'],
metadataProvider: ReflectMetadataProvider,
extensions: [SoftDeletableHandlerSubscriber, SeedManager, Migrator],
registerRequestContext: true,
allowGlobalContext: process.env['NODE_ENV'] === 'test',
migrations: {
tableName: 'migration',
path: './migrations',
snapshot: true
seeder: {
path: './seeders',
pathTs: './seeders',
defaultSeeder: 'DatabaseSeeder',
glob: '!(*.d).{js,ts}',
emit: 'ts',
fileName: (className: string) => className
} as MikroOrmModuleOptions
export default mikroOrmConfig
And this is the tsconfig.orm.json
"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"moduleResolution": "NodeNext"
This is the tsconfig.json
which is used for extending
"extends": "../../tsconfig.base.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"strict": true,
"noImplicitOverride": true,
"noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true,
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true
"files": [],
"include": [],
"references": [
"path": "./tsconfig.lib.json"
"path": "./tsconfig.spec.json"
When running npx mikro-orm debug
I get the following output
Current MikroORM CLI configuration
- dependencies:
- mikro-orm 6.2.9
- node 18.17.0
- typescript 5.3.3
- package.json found
- ts-node enabled
- searched config paths:
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/libs/database/src/lib/mikro-orm.config.ts (found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/dist/libs/database/src/lib/mikro-orm.config.js (found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/src/mikro-orm.config.ts (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/mikro-orm.config.ts (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/dist/mikro-orm.config.js (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/mikro-orm.config.js (not found)
- configuration not found (No database specified, please fill in `dbName` or `clientUrl` option)
Using .env variables
These are my .env variables
and this is the output I get when running the same command
Current MikroORM CLI configuration
- dependencies:
- mikro-orm 6.2.9
- node 18.17.0
- typescript 5.3.3
- package.json found
- ts-node enabled
- searched config paths:
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/libs/database/src/lib/mikro-orm.config.ts (found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/src/mikro-orm.config.ts (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/mikro-orm.config.ts (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/dist/mikro-orm.config.js (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/mikro-orm.config.js (not found)
- configuration not found (Cannot use import statement outside a module)
The environment variable exists and app is running/building fine.
When doing only the ENV variables approach
As you said I shouldn't be needing tsconfig.orm.json
so I am using the tsconfig
that I used for extending the tsconfig.orm.ts
and I removed the MikroORM
section from the package.json
I get the following error:
Current MikroORM CLI configuration
- dependencies:
- mikro-orm 6.2.9
- node 18.17.0
- typescript 5.3.3
- package.json found
- ts-node enabled
- searched config paths:
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/dist/mikro-orm.config.js (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/mikro-orm.config.js (not found)
- configuration not found (MikroORM config file not found in ['./dist/mikro-orm.config.js', './mikro-orm.config.js'])
"ts-node": "^10.9.1"
With the package.json
way, commenting out the env variables totally and while still referencing the ./libs/database/tsconfig.orm.json
and after adding import 'dotenv/config'
I now get it to run. But if I change the tsConfigPath
to the previously mentioned tsconfig.json
I get the following error:
Current MikroORM CLI configuration
- dependencies:
- mikro-orm 6.2.9
- node 18.17.0
- typescript 5.3.3
- package.json found
- ts-node enabled
- searched config paths:
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/libs/database/src/lib/mikro-orm.config.ts (found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/dist/libs/database/src/lib/mikro-orm.config.js (found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/src/mikro-orm.config.ts (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/mikro-orm.config.ts (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/dist/mikro-orm.config.js (not found)
- C:/Work/my-company/my-app/code/my-app-backend/mikro-orm.config.js (not found)
- configuration not found (⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
error TS5109: Option 'moduleResolution' must be set to '
NodeNext' (or left unspecified) when option 'module' is set to 'NodeNext'.
A few random notes, if you want more help with this, please get in touch on discord and provide a complete repository instead of just snippets.
, that means you need to bring TS support yourself, e.g. by executing via bun -b
(which has its own pitfalls, since bun is far away from being actually node compatible).
You need to have ts-node
installed if you want the ORM to use it, I don't see it in your dependencies. This is likely the reason why you see Cannot use import statement outside a module
since that means you are trying to read TS file without ts-node
You should not need the tsconfig.orm.json
file, the ORM will automatically override the moduleResolution
to NodeNext
actually for the purpose of registering TS support. Also in your second approach, you are overriding the path to it via MIKRO_ORM_CLI_TS_CONFIG_PATH
env var which points to something else, so in fact its completely ignored there.
When you were getting No database specified, please fill in
clientUrl option
, it most likely means your env vars were empty. My guess is you forgot to call import 'dotenv/config'
in your config - the ORM will no longer do that for you since v6, it will still read it automatically, but will only respect its own env vars (those prefixed with MIKRO_ORM_
) and won't make them part of process.env
at all.