
Attempt to resize button in TKinter returning error

Making an extremely simple program where a button follows the mouse, and when clicked, should randomly resize. But I when I run the code below, I get an error, saying that the "height" property is unknown. Code:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import random

window = tk.Tk()

def moved(e):
    myx = e.x
    myy = e.y - 20, y=myy - 20)

def randomsize():
    size = random.randrange(20, 200)
    sizey = size * 2
    mylbl.config(width= sizey, height = size)

mylbl = ttk.Button(window, text="Hello", command=randomsize, height=30, width = 60), y=10)
window.bind("<Motion>", moved)



in _configure, cmd)) + self._options(cnf))
_tkinter.TclError: unknown option "-height"


  • In ttk, I think configuring height and width directly is not possible.(But in tkinter.Button, It is possible). So, to configure new height in ttk, we should change the font size and padding. This should be done using ttk.Style method.

    import tkinter as tk
    from tkinter import ttk
    import random    
    # An empty dict is declared as I want to avoid some global variables
    dct ={}
    def moved(e):
        # As e.x and e.y are optional global variables, I've declared them as values of dct
        dct['myx'] = e.x
        dct['myy'] = e.y
        # Remove the originally placed position
        # Place in new position
        dct['mylbl'].place(x= dct['myx'] - 20, y= dct['myy'] - 20)
    def randomsize():
        # As the button's height changes with font size and padding, we get random values for font_size and padding
        x_pad = random.randrange(5, 40)
        y_pad = x_pad * 2
        fnt_size = random.randrange(8, 25)
        # If previous font_size & new font_size are same, create another font_size
        fnt_size = random.randrange(8, 25) if fnt_size == fnt_size else fnt_size
        # Hide the previousely placed position
        # Configure new style to the button with new font size and padding
        dct['stl'].configure('TButton', font = ('Helvetica', fnt_size), padding = (x_pad, y_pad))
        # Apply the new style
        dct['mylbl'] = ttk.Button(window, text="Hello", command=randomsize, style = 'TButton')
        # I haven't changed the position. But If you want to place the button to the moved position, change x = dct['myx'] and y = dct['myy']
        dct['mylbl'].place(x=10, y=10)
    window = tk.Tk()
    # Add geometry
    # To avoid using global variable, Style is made as a value of the dict
    dct['stl'] = ttk.Style()
    dct['stl'].configure('TLabel', font=('Helvetica', 12), padding=5)   
    # To avoid using global variable, Button is made as a value of the dict
    dct['mylbl'] = ttk.Button(window, text="Hello", command=randomsize, style = 'TButton')
    dct['mylbl'].place(x=10, y=10)
    window.bind("<Motion>", moved)