
Jetpack Compose or XML, which is better for creating a large application with very many features, and complex features

I'm new android developer and i complete all the fundamentals and foundation of the android development with Kotlin, Now i look at build app like Instagram or Facebook or very complex app with complex features to improve my experience, So i want advice from the senior developer, which the best choice for app like instagram, Jetpack Compose or XML

I search on the YouTube and Google, but there is no one answer my question


  • I worked with Compose and XML for the same kind of projects. The big difference is Compose is more fluent after getting to know the syntax better.

    I recommend working with Jetpack Compose because no matter the size of your application, it can be much more readable and clean. I will write the main points for both of them down below.

    For XML :

    For Jetpack Compose :