I am locating the offset position of mouse point when drag a div, suppose to be mouse.x-div.x is all I need, but the div.x is a large negative number(-15984). I am wondering why, and how to resolve the issue.
@for (comp of components; track comp) {
<div #componentContainer class="component-container" (cdkDragStarted)="beforeDrag($event)" cdkDrag cdkDropList [cdkDropListConnectedTo]="container">
<div class="component-wapper">
<div class="component-name"> {{comp.name}}</div>
<img class="component-avatar" src="{{comp.src}}" />
var rect = e.source.element.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
You have to access the previousElementSibling
instead of the actual element, since this is the drag element in the container.
beforeDrag(e: any) {
const mouseX = e.event.x;
const rect =
console.log('needed value', mouseX - rect.x);