
GCP Cloud CLI won't create firestore in "native" mode

We're trying to run a script on could-shell to create a new firestore collection in native mode.

However it creates it in datastore default mode.

What should be change in our flags? --type=firestore-native


create_firestore() {
  DB_EXISTS=$(gcloud firestore databases list --filter="name=projects/'$PROJECT_ID'/databases/'$DB_NAME'" --format="get(name)")
  if [[ ! -n $DB_EXISTS ]]; then
    echo -e "\n${COLOR}Creating Firestore...${NC}"
    gcloud firestore databases create \
      --database=$DB_NAME \
      --location=$DB_REGION \
    echo -e "\n${COLOR}Firestore exists.${NC}"

I saw we can switch modes when the DB is empty. And this also shows we're using the right flag then.


  • As I have mentioned above when I have tried gcloud firestore databases create --location=us-east1 --type=firestore-native database created in native mode only.

    And also I have tried to replicate the issue using your script by hardcoding the project and DB values as shown below. This time as well I am able to create the database in native mode without any issues.

    create_firestore() {
      DB_EXISTS=$(gcloud firestore databases list --filter="name=projects/xxx-dexx-xxx/databases/testdb" --format="get(name)")
      if [[ ! -n $DB_EXISTS ]]; then
        echo -e "\n${COLOR}Creating Firestore...${NC}"
        gcloud firestore databases create \
          --database=testdb \
          --location=us-central1 \
        echo -e "\n${COLOR}Firestore exists.${NC}"

    You may refer to below screenshot for the output after execution of the script.


    As you have not shared your complete script, I believe that there might be an issue in some other part of your script. I suggest you verify your complete script.

    Note: gcloud command will create a database in firestore mode by default. So there is no need to use --type flag explicitly