Why the output is in diffrent order than it is declared?
Shouldnt the output be in this order?
aaaa bbbb cccc
Instead it is:
I assume the issue is in assigning "bbb" value to the text variable, but i dont know why is that and how to do this the correct way.
section .data
text db "aaaa", 10
text2 db "cccc", 10
section .text
global _start
mov rax, text
call _printstring
mov rax, "bbb"
mov [text], rax
mov rax, text
call _printstring
mov rax, text2
call _printstring
mov eax, 60
xor edi, edi
push rax
mov rbx, 0
inc rax
inc rbx
mov cl, [rax]
cmp cl, 0
jne _printstringloop
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
pop rsi
mov rdx, rbx
Shouldnt the output be in this order?
aaaa bbbb cccc
Not with this code.
What happens here is that this string is printed first: "aaaa\ncccc\n"
does not stop at the newline, it goes all the way to the zero terminator, which wasn't explicit in the strings but there is apparently some zero-fill after the data, as usual, but in general you may not want to rely on that.
mov rax, "bbb" mov [text], rax
So after that, "bbb" (no newline) is printed, as observed. This also nukes the contents of text2
, since it's an 8 byte store and the last 3 of those 8 bytes are the first 3 bytes of text2
, and those bytes are zero so printing text2
doesn't result in any printable text (presumably a zero character is printed, but it's invisible)