
How to Get Range From Pivot To Copy to Another Sheet Using Office Scripts?

I want to get the range object of the Pivot based on a certain column. For example, I want to get the data for the pivot column 'Food'. On VBA, it is ptPivot.PivotFields("Food").DataRange

I have tried using the getLayOut() method, but I am not able to get my needed range.


  • Get the data range of a pvt row field.

    function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
        const fldName = "Food"
        let selectedSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
        let pvt = selectedSheet.getPivotTables()[0];
        // console.log(pvt.getLayout().getBodyAndTotalRange().getAddress())
        const rowLable = pvt.getLayout().getRowLabelRange()
        const rowFld = pvt.getRowHierarchy(fldName)
        if (rowFld) {
            const fldIndex = rowFld.getPosition()
        } else {
            console.log(`[${fldName}] is not a row field.`)