
What's the most efficient way to structure your landing page content in Strapi?

What's the most efficient way to structure your landing page content in Strapi? How good is it :

But with this way we get the api response as (Image attached) where we have to pick first elemnt of data array. I am curious if we ave any better solution than this where we get the required object only?

API response Postman

I tried to configure landing page data into the Strapi which so far works excellent, am just curious about how other developers are doing this.


  • I feel you are doing right with the way you started.

    On my side, I am using graphql so I don't feel I have the "pick first elemnt of data array" thing.

    If it can help/reassure you a bit, here how I am doing things:

    enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here