I'm a reasonably experienced R user who has often struggled to use the apply family. I have very slow-moving iterative code whose performance I'm hoping to improve through the use of this family, but am having difficulty. I will simplify the use case greatly here so please assume no obvious workarounds.
I have a dataset that consists of four observations assigned to 5 possible groups (the actual use case is 50,000 observations with 1110 possible groups) and two output variables. I would like to group each observation by assignment and then do something with the outputs (here, to simplify, I will say the mean sum of squares for each. The actual output is much more complicated). My iterative approach gives me what I want, and looks like this:
#create toy data
dataset <- data.frame(obs_1 = round(runif(100, 1, 5)),
obs_2 = round(runif(100, 1, 5)),
obs_3 = round(runif(100, 1, 5)),
obs_4 = round(runif(100, 1, 5)),
val_1 = rnorm(100, 0, 5),
val_2 = rnorm(100, 0, 15))
#define a function to create the output for each group
cals <- function(df){
var <- df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise(x1 = sum(val_1),
x2 = sum(val_2)) %>%
mutate(x1 = x1^2,
x2 = x2^2) %>%
mutate(ans = x1 + x2) %>%
#initialize output matrix
answer <- matrix(rep(NA, 20), 5)
#loops -- ugh
for(i in 1:4){
#pull each group list and the two output variables
df_used <- dataset %>%
select(i, val1, val2)
#give the group list a common name so the function can identify it
names(df_used)[1] <- 'group'
#calculate output using the function
cal <- cals(df_used)
#write this into the output matrix
answer[, i] <- cal
# Result:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1159.463 197.090174 302.4915 320.8285
[2,] 15820.498 1975.668791 294.3433 7070.0387
[3,] 2423.859 537.334344 13256.3443 1331.7600
[4,] 4646.915 1900.430230 1836.5904 17242.5160
[5,] 9403.906 4.785014 1449.9531 1588.6278
I think, though, there must be a faster, less unsightly way(?)
is probably what you're after. Here is a data.table
dt <- as.data.table(dataset)
mapply(\(x) setorder(dt[,.(sum(val_1)^2 + sum(val_2)^2), x], x)[[2]], dt[,1:4])
#> obs_1 obs_2 obs_3 obs_4
#> [1,] 524.9378 1220.855 1780.1158 786.5803
#> [2,] 2890.6006 10847.766 6224.3217 7760.9268
#> [3,] 18436.0742 2667.610 3879.1027 466.2114
#> [4,] 6888.7064 1774.418 2644.9105 1149.2653
#> [5,] 3169.8326 3691.997 676.0297 2821.5822
With 50K observation columns and only two value columns you probably want to compute in parallel, if possible. Below is an example with 50K observation columns, 1110 possible groups, and 2K values in val_1
and val_2
. It runs in a reasonable amount of time.
obs <- as.data.frame(
matrix(sample(1110, 1e7, 1), 2e3, 5e4, 0, list(NULL, paste0("obs_", 1:5e4)))
vals <- data.table(val_1 = rnorm(2e3, 0, 5), val_2 = rnorm(2e3, 0, 15))
# insert your function here
f <- function(val1, val2) sum(val1^2) + sum(val2^2)
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores() - 1)
clusterExport(cl, c("f", "vals"))
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(data.table))
answer2 <- simplify2array(
cl, obs,
\(x) {
y <- numeric(1110)
y[unique(x)] <- setorder(vals[,.(f(val_1, val_2)), x], x)[[2]]
#> user system elapsed
#> 1.06 1.96 15.11
#> [1] 1110 50000
answer2[1:10, 1:5]
#> obs_1 obs_2 obs_3 obs_4 obs_5
#> [1,] 301.8518 378.50549 1604.9906 0.00000 62.03574
#> [2,] 1216.5158 280.03548 0.0000 79.42371 221.81035
#> [3,] 0.0000 0.00000 201.5036 0.00000 272.46706
#> [4,] 0.0000 102.12533 239.0345 769.74224 2008.39479
#> [5,] 956.5008 47.84919 251.6572 1967.67512 1510.94146
#> [6,] 257.8219 73.64866 213.9344 211.03523 647.27991
#> [7,] 811.1412 274.54819 428.2221 731.54683 839.51485
#> [8,] 958.2328 158.62962 358.5906 502.11146 0.00000
#> [9,] 556.0048 741.85957 1135.0711 924.31785 332.33795
#> [10,] 1126.8460 0.00000 421.9577 209.50286 184.39162