
How to run a JavaScript method after livewire component update and re-rendering?

I want to run a javascript method called makeFinalAdjustments(), but it needs to happen after the page has finished re-rendering the content following a click event inside this livewire component:


     <div wire:click="updateContent($id)">Click here</div>
     <div>{{ $content }}</div>

public $content;
public $id;
public function updateContent()


protected $listeners = [
    'updateContent' => 'handleUpdateContent',

public function handleUpdateContent($child_id): void
    $this->content[$child_id] = $this->getSomeContent($child_id);

    @foreach(child in list)
        <livewire:child :content=content[child->id]>

I've tried adding an eventlistener based on the documentation here....

document.addEventListener('livewire:init', function () {
        Livewire.on('updateContent', () => {
            Livewire.hook('commit', ({ component, commit, respond, succeed, fail }) => { 
                succeed(({ snapshot, effect }) => {
                    queueMicrotask(() => {

...but it doesn't work because makeFinalAdjustments() fires too early, before the new content has finished rendering.


  • The problem is not completely clear, we should understand what is executed in the makeFinalAdjustments() function.

    In any case, I tried to emulate the situation, reconstructing the incomplete parts of the request.

    Parent class

    class ParentTest extends Component
        public array $content = [];
        public array $children = [];
        protected $listeners = [
            'updateContent' => 'handleUpdateContent',
        public function mount() {
            $this->children = [
                (object)['id' => 1],
                (object)['id' => 2],
                (object)['id' => 3],
            $this->content = [
                1 => Str::random(),
                2 => Str::random(),
                3 => Str::random()
        public function handleUpdateContent($child_id): void
            // for this test we use a value of convenience
            // $this->content[$child_id] = $this->getSomeContent($child_id);
            $this->content[$child_id] = Str::random();

    Parent view

        @foreach($children as $child)
            <livewire:child-test :content="$content[$child->id]"

    Child class

    namespace App\Livewire;
    use Livewire\Attributes\Reactive;
    use Livewire\Component;
    class ChildTest extends Component
        public $id;
        public $content;
    // --- since the event is now dispatched from the frontend this is no longer needed
    //    public function updateContent($id)
    //    {
    //        $this->dispatch('updateContent', child_id: $id);
    //    }

    Child view

        {{--<div wire:click="updateContent({{ $id }})">--}}
        <div wire:click="$dispatch('updateContent', {child_id: {{ $id }} })">  {{--  <~~~ now the event is dispatched from the frontend --}}
            [Click here]
        <div x-init="$watch('$wire.content', () => $nextTick(() => makeFinalAdjustments({{ $id }})))">
            <span id="content-{{ $id }}">
                {{ $content }}
            <span id="revContent-{{ $id }}">
        function makeFinalAdjustments(id)
            const content = document.getElementById(`content-${id}`).textContent;
            const revContent = content.split("").reverse().join("");
            document.getElementById(`revContent-${id}`).textContent = revContent;