I want to prepare a "portrait" A0 poster (841mm × 1189mm) placing different Artists (no Axes, but Rectangles and Texts) specifying their positions in mm from the top-left corner of the figure.
I have already figured out a possible procedure, e.g., if I want a rectangle, 40mm × 18mm, its top left corner positioned at (230mm, 190mm) from the top-left corner of the figure, I'd write
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize(841/25.4, 25.4), layout='none')
fig.patches.append(plt.Rectangle((230, 190), 40, 18, transform=???))
# -------------------------------------------------------------///
While I know that x_fig = x_mm/841
and y_fig = 1 - y_mm/1189
I don't know how to define a proper transform to have the coordinates specified the way I'd like them.
How can I define a proper transform?
One option would be to scale
the units to millimeters, then translate
/flip the fig's "yaxis" :
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
D = 300
W, H = 120, 50
# W, H = 841, 1189 # op
mm = 1 / 25.4
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(W * mm, H * mm), layout="none", dpi=D)
rect = plt.Rectangle(
(20, 15), 36, 20,
# (230, 190), 400, 180, # op
fc="springgreen", ec="k",
.scale(mm * fig.dpi).scale(1, -1)
.translate(0, fig.get_figheight() * fig.dpi),
# fig.savefig("A0.pdf", dpi=D) # invisible rectangle !
# fig.savefig("A0.png", dpi=D) # works just fine !
NB: The figure below uses a random paper-type (120x50
) and a Ruler
for clarity.