
How many kafka connect clusters are optimal?

I use Kafka with Strimzi operator and I am wondering if there is a optimal number of kafka connect clusters I should make. I have a medium sized infrastructure with around 50 different business logic use cases so I created 50 kafka clusters - one for each.

Now this naming is a bit strange, but in Strimzi "cluster" is actually of type KafkaConnect.

The reasons for creating more "clusters" are:

Is this approach wrong or is it OK?


  • I do not think there is a simple yes or no answer to this. Each mode has some pros and some cons.

    Running separate Connect clusters for each project has a lot of advantages:

    But the shared cluster has also some advantages:

    But I'm afraid that at the end, it is up to you to pick which mode you prefer. There are many users who love that they can save the resources with one big Connect cluster. But there are also many users who actually want to have a separate cluster for each Connector or each project as well. So it depends on what is more important for you from all the pros and cons.