I have a type with constructors which take many arguments. When pattern matching on a constructor of this type, I would like to forward the arguments as a pack (maybe a tuple?), without having to retype them all.
This is code I would like to write:
type foo_t =
| FromInt of int * int
| FromFloat of float
let sum_pair (a, b) =
a + b
let f foo =
match foo with
| FromInt (a, b) as pair -> sum_pair pair
| FromFloat _ -> 0
The problem here is that pair
is typed as foo_t
instead of int * int
. But sum_pair
should expect a pair of ints and not a foo_t
I think there are a pair of misconceptions about how OCaml works at play here.
The simplest is that as
binds a name just to the thing immediately to the left. Rather, it is greedy. It binds a name to everything to its left.
# match (1, (2, 3)) with (a, (b, c) as d) -> d;;
- : int * (int * int) = (1, (2, 3))
As compared to using parentheses to disambiguate and specifically limit what as
is binding.
# match (1, (2, 3)) with (a, ((b, c) as d)) -> d;;
- : int * int = (2, 3)
Secondly, a set of arguments to a constructor is not a tuple, unless we explicitly make it one. A side note here that while using a constructor looks like a function application, it is not.
Your FromInt
constructor does not take one argument which is a tuple of values, but rather two arguments. The fact that it looks like it's taking a single tuple argument is a side-effect of OCaml syntax.
As dogbert notes, you can explicitly make it take a single tuple by using parentheses when defining the constructor. At this point the constructor takes one argument which happens to be a tuple containing multiple values.