
Simple event dispatcher in Rust

I'm trying to develop a simple application to create simple objects (like a cube) with OpenGL.

So far I've created a wrapper to OpenGL using the "gl" module to initialize vbos, vaos, programs, shaders etc...

Initially I handled the events I was interested on in the main function, using the "glutin" module. The code looked something like this:

fn main() {
    let event_loop = EventLoop::new();
    let window = WindowBuilder::new().with_title("Rust OpenGL");

    let gl_context = ContextBuilder::new()
        .with_gl(GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGl, (3, 3)))
        .build_windowed(window, &event_loop)
        .expect("Cannot create windowed context");

    let gl_context = unsafe {
            .expect("Failed to make context current")

    gl::load_with(|ptr| gl_context.get_proc_address(ptr) as *const _);

    let v1 = vec![
        Vertex((-0.5, -0.5, 0.5).into(), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).into()),
        Vertex((0.5, -0.5, 0.5).into(), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).into()),
        Vertex((0.5, 0.5, 0.5).into(), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).into()),
        Vertex((-0.5, 0.5, 0.5).into(), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).into()),
    let front_face = Square::new(&v1);

    let v2 = vec![
        Vertex((-0.5, -0.5, -0.5).into(), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0).into()),
        Vertex((0.5, -0.5, -0.5).into(), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0).into()),
        Vertex((0.5, 0.5, -0.5).into(), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0).into()),
        Vertex((-0.5, 0.5, -0.5).into(), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0).into()),
    let back_face = Square::new(&v2);

    let cube = Cube::from(&[front_face, back_face]);

    let mut rotation_angle: Rad<f32> = Deg(0.0).into(); |event, target, control_flow| {
        *control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait;

        match event {
            Event::LoopDestroyed => (),
            Event::WindowEvent { event, .. } => match event {
                WindowEvent::CloseRequested => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit,
                WindowEvent::Resized(physical_size) => gl_context.resize(physical_size),
                WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input, .. } => {
                    if let Some(VirtualKeyCode::A) = input.virtual_keycode {
                        match input.state {
                            ElementState::Pressed => {
                                rotation_angle -= Deg(0.5).into();
                            _ => ()
                    if let Some(VirtualKeyCode::D) = input.virtual_keycode {
                        match input.state {
                            ElementState::Pressed => {
                                rotation_angle += Deg(0.5).into();
                            _ => ()
                _ => (),
            Event::RedrawRequested(_) => {
                println!("{:?}", rotation_angle);

                let rotation_matrix_y = Matrix4::from_axis_angle(Vector3::unit_y(), rotation_angle);
                let rotation_matrix_x = Matrix4::from_axis_angle(Vector3::unit_x(), Deg(30.0));
                let transformation_matrix = rotation_matrix_y * rotation_matrix_x;

                let transform_location = cube.gl_wrapper().program.get_uniform_location("Transform").unwrap();

                unsafe {
                    gl::UniformMatrix4fv(transform_location as GLint, 1, gl::FALSE, transformation_matrix.as_ptr());

                    gl::ClearColor(0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  1.0);

            _ => (),

In this demo, the Renderer struct was responsible for drawing simple shapes, and by pressing A and D keys I could rotate the cube respectively to the left and to the right; I then modified the code a little, but I'd like to focus on the event handling part.

As you might see, the code is a lot, especially to be all in the same function, the main function. I so thought it would be good to refactor this mess a little, and I came up with this:

fn main() {
    let event_loop = EventLoop::new();
    let mut app = Application::new(&event_loop); |event, _, control_flow| {
        // Commenting these out as i'm not sure it works
        // app.set_control_flow_reference(control_flow);
        // app.set_control_flow(ControlFlow::Poll);
        *control_flow = ControlFlow::Poll;

        let mut generic_dispatcher = GenericDispatcher::new(&mut app);

pub struct Application {
    control_flow: ControlFlow,
    gl_context: ContextWrapper<PossiblyCurrent, Window>

impl Application {
    pub fn new(event_loop: &EventLoop<()>) -> Self {
        let window_builder = WindowBuilder::new().with_title("Rust OpenGL");
        let context = ContextBuilder::new()
            .with_gl(GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGl, (3, 3)))
            .build_windowed(window_builder, event_loop)
            .expect("Cannot create windowed context");

        let context = unsafe {
                .expect("Failed to make context current")

        gl::load_with(|ptr| context.get_proc_address(ptr) as *const _);
        unsafe {
            info::log_error("loading gl");

        Self {
            control_flow: ControlFlow::default(),
            gl_context: context,

    pub fn set_control_flow_reference(&mut self, new_control_flow_reference: &mut ControlFlow) {
        let mut control_flow_reference = &mut self.control_flow;
        control_flow_reference = new_control_flow_reference;

    pub fn set_control_flow(&mut self, new_control_flow: ControlFlow) {
        let control_flow_reference = &mut self.control_flow;
        *control_flow_reference = new_control_flow;

    pub fn gl_context(&self) -> &ContextWrapper<PossiblyCurrent, Window> {

pub trait Handler<E> {
    fn handle(&mut self, item: E);

pub trait Dispatcher<'a> {
    fn new(application: &'a mut Application) -> Self;
    fn application(&'a self) -> &'a Application;

pub struct GenericDispatcher<'a> {
    application: &'a mut Application,
    angle_x: Deg<f32>,
    angle_y: Deg<f32>,
    cube: Cube

// snip the impl for the new associated function

impl<'a> Handler<Event<'_, ()>> for GenericDispatcher<'a> {
    fn handle(&mut self, item: Event<'_, ()>) {
        match item {
            Event::NewEvents(_) => {}
            Event::WindowEvent { window_id, event } => {
                let mut window_dispatcher = WindowDispatcher::new(self.application);
            Event::DeviceEvent { device_id, event } => {
                let mut device_dispatcher = DeviceDispatcher::new(self.application);
            Event::UserEvent(_) => {}
            Event::Suspended => {}
            Event::Resumed => {}
            Event::MainEventsCleared => {
            Event::RedrawRequested(_) => {
                println!("angle_y: {:?}", self.angle_y);
                println!("angle_x: {:?}", self.angle_x);

                let rotation_matrix_y = Matrix4::from_axis_angle(Vector3::unit_y(), self.angle_y);
                let rotation_matrix_x = Matrix4::from_axis_angle(Vector3::unit_x(), self.angle_x);
                let model_matrix = rotation_matrix_y * rotation_matrix_x;

                let model_location = self.cube.gl_wrapper().program.get_uniform_location("Model").unwrap();

                unsafe {
                    gl::UniformMatrix4fv(model_location as GLint, 1, gl::FALSE, model_matrix.as_ptr());
                    gl::ClearColor(0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  1.0);

            Event::RedrawEventsCleared => {}
            Event::LoopDestroyed => {}

pub struct WindowDispatcher<'a> {
    application: &'a mut Application

impl<'a> Handler<WindowEvent<'_>> for WindowDispatcher<'a> {
    fn handle(&mut self, item: WindowEvent<'_>) {
        let mut keyboard_dispatcher = KeyboardDispatcher::new(self.application);
        match item {
            WindowEvent::Resized(physical_size) => {
            WindowEvent::Moved(_) => {}
            WindowEvent::CloseRequested => {
            WindowEvent::Destroyed => {}
            WindowEvent::DroppedFile(_) => {}
            WindowEvent::HoveredFile(_) => {}
            WindowEvent::HoveredFileCancelled => {}
            WindowEvent::ReceivedCharacter(_) => {}
            WindowEvent::Focused(_) => {}
            WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { device_id, input, is_synthetic } => {
            WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged(_) => {}
            WindowEvent::Ime(_) => {}
            WindowEvent::CursorMoved { device_id, position, modifiers } => {}
            WindowEvent::CursorEntered { device_id } => {}
            WindowEvent::CursorLeft { device_id } => {}
            WindowEvent::MouseWheel { device_id, delta, phase, modifiers } => {}
            WindowEvent::MouseInput { device_id, state, button, modifiers } => {}
            WindowEvent::TouchpadPressure { device_id, pressure, stage } => {}
            WindowEvent::AxisMotion { device_id, axis, value } => {}
            WindowEvent::Touch(_) => {}
            WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged { scale_factor, new_inner_size } => {}
            WindowEvent::ThemeChanged(_) => {}
            WindowEvent::Occluded(_) => {}

pub struct KeyboardDispatcher<'a> {
    application: &'a mut Application

impl<'a> Handler<KeyboardInput> for KeyboardDispatcher<'a> {
    fn handle(&mut self, item: KeyboardInput) {
        match item {
            KeyboardInput { scancode, state, virtual_keycode, modifiers } => {
                match state {
                    ElementState::Pressed => {
                        println!("{:?} pressed!", virtual_keycode.unwrap());
                    ElementState::Released => {
                        println!("{:?} released!", virtual_keycode.unwrap());

When executing the program I only get a white window, nothing gets drawn and no event seems to be catched. I can't even move the window around nor close it, to stop the program I have to force the execution to stop.

I've then tried to comment out the creation of the WindowDispatcher and DeviceDispatcher and the call Renderer::draw() inside the handle method of the GenericDispatcher to see if that was the problem:

impl<'a> Handler<Event<'_, ()>> for GenericDispatcher<'a> {
    fn handle(&mut self, item: Event<'_, ()>) {
            // snip
            Event::WindowEvent { window_id, event } => {
                // let mut window_dispatcher = WindowDispatcher::new(self.application);
                // window_dispatcher.handle(event);
            Event::DeviceEvent { device_id, event } => {
                // let mut device_dispatcher = DeviceDispatcher::new(self.application);
                // device_dispatcher.handle(event);
            // snip
            Event::RedrawRequested(_) => {
                // snip
                unsafe {
                    gl::UniformMatrix4fv(model_location as GLint, 1, gl::FALSE, model_matrix.as_ptr());
                    gl::ClearColor(0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  1.0);

                    // Renderer::draw(&self.cube);
                // snip

But i'm still facing the same issue. Sometimes, without changing the code at all, I get a black window and I get printed the angles, as expected, but then everything freezes once again and I have to stop the execution by force.

How can I fix this?


  • For anyone wondering, I've managed to solve my problem.

    Here's the 5 key steps:

    1. Fix dependencies

    Turns out you need more recent version of the gl and glutin crates and you also need the winit, glutin-winit and raw-window-handle crates.

    2. Create custom events

    Use a enum for every event your application might need.

    pub enum CustomEvent {
        // others

    3. Create a dispatcher

    Use a struct to store useful data (like the proxy used to send data to the application):

    use winit::event_loop::EventLoopProxy;
    pub struct Dispatcher {
        // Make sure to pass as generic the enum created in point 2.
        proxy: EventLoopProxy<CustomEvent>,
        // others

    and to implement methods to handle events:

        pub fn handle_key_pressed(&mut self, physical_key: PhysicalKey, logical_key: Key) {
            // Match physical and logical keys
            match logical_key {
                Key::Named(named) => match named {
                    // Implement logic
                    // Send event to the application
        pub fn handle_mouse_pressed(&self) {
            println!("Mouse pressed");
        // Implement other methods

    4. Implement the ApplicationHandler trait for your application

    Define an Application (or whatever you want to call it) struct and implement this trait from winit::application:

    use winit::application::ApplicationHandler;
    pub struct Application {
       // your fields

    In particular, pay attention to the user_event function:

    // Once again use as generic your CustomEvent enum
    impl ApplicationHandler<CustomEvent> for Application {
        // Implement every method
        fn user_event(&mut self, _event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop, event: CustomEvent) {    
            // Match events received from the Dispatcher event proxy
            match event {
                CustomEvent::Log(str) => {
                // Implement your logic

    5. Initialize and run your Application

    // Initialize your app
    let app = Application::new();
    // Create the event loop (and for the 3rd time, make sure to use the your CustomEvent enum)
    let event_loop = EventLoop::<CustomEvent>::with_user_event().build().unwrap();
    // Create the event loop proxy
    let proxy = event_loop.create_proxy();
    // Create your dispatcher, which will need the proxy
    let dispatcher = Dispatcher::new(proxy);
    // Feel free to organize your code as you like (e.g. store the dispatcher inside the Application itself)
    // Run the application

    And that's it!

    Thanks for the help of everyone.

    Please know that this implementation might not be the best one or follow idiomatic Rust, it's just how I've done it.