I have the following fortran openacc code for batched dgemm and was trying to instead make only a single allocation for the workspace:
! nvfortran -acc -Minfo=all -cuda -gpu=lineinfo -cpp -g -O0 -cudalib=cublas main.f90
module bcast_types
use iso_c_binding
use cudafor
use cublas
implicit none
type(cublasHandle) :: handle
integer :: batch_count
type(c_devptr), allocatable, dimension(:) :: devptr_A, devptr_B, devptr_C
end module
module bcast_module
use iso_c_binding, ONLY: c_devptr
use cudafor
use cublas
use bcast_types
interface broadcast_array
MODULE PROCEDURE broadcast_array_2D
MODULE PROCEDURE broadcast_array_3D
end interface
subroutine broadcast_array_2D(state, array, devptr)
TYPE(c_devptr), dimension(:), intent(in) :: devptr
type(DGEMM_BATCHED_STATE), intent(in) :: state
REAL(8), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: array
INTEGER :: i, batch_size
!$acc declare deviceptr(array,devptr)
#if defined(__CUDA)
attributes(DEVICE) :: array, devptr
batch_size = state%batch_count
!$acc parallel loop default(present) vector_length(1) num_gangs(1)
DO i = 1, batch_size
devptr(i) = transfer(loc(array(1, 1)), devptr(i))
!$acc end parallel loop
end subroutine broadcast_array_2D
subroutine broadcast_array_3D(state, array, devptr)
TYPE(c_devptr), dimension(:), intent(in):: devptr
type(DGEMM_BATCHED_STATE), intent(in) :: state
REAL(8), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: array
!$acc declare deviceptr(array, devptr)
#if defined(__CUDA)
attributes(DEVICE) :: array, devptr
!$acc parallel loop default(present) vector_length(1) num_gangs(1)
do i = 1, state%batch_count
devptr(i) = transfer(loc(array(1, 1, i)), devptr(i))
end do
!$acc end parallel loop
end subroutine broadcast_array_3D
end module bcast_module
module bcast_mul
use cudafor
use cublas
use openacc
use bcast_module
use bcast_types
implicit none
module PROCEDURE bcast_dgemm_2D_3D
module PROCEDURE bcast_dgemm_3D_2D
module PROCEDURE bcast_dgemm_2D_2D
module PROCEDURE bcast_dgemm_3D_3D
subroutine init_dgemm_batched_broadcast(state, batch_count)
implicit none
type(DGEMM_BATCHED_STATE), intent(inout) :: state
integer :: stat, batch_count, test_bcnt, i
state%batch_count = batch_count
stat = cublasCreate(state%handle)
if (stat /= CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) then
print *, "CUBLAS initialization error: ", stat
end if
!$acc enter data create(state )
!$acc enter data create(state%batch_count)
!$acc enter data create(state%devptr_A)
!$acc enter data create(state%devptr_B)
!$acc enter data create(state%devptr_C)
!$acc update device(state%batch_count)
end subroutine init_dgemm_batched_broadcast
subroutine destroy_dgemm_batched_state(state)
use cudafor
use cublas
use openacc
implicit none
type(DGEMM_BATCHED_STATE), intent(in) :: state
integer:: stat
stat = cublasDestroy(state%handle)
if (stat /= CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) then
print *, "CUBLAS shutdown error: ", stat
end if
!$acc exit data delete(state%devptr_A)
!$acc exit data delete(state%devptr_B)
!$acc exit data delete(state%devptr_C)
!$acc exit data delete(state%batch_count)
!$acc exit data delete(state)
end subroutine
subroutine bcast_dgemm_3D_2D(state,transA, transB, m, n, k, alpha, A, ldA, B, ldB, beta, C, ldC, batch_count)
use cudafor
use cublas
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: ldA,ldB, ldC, m,n,k, batch_count
real(8), dimension(:,:,:) :: A
real(8), dimension(:,:) :: B
real(8), dimension(:,:,:) :: C
!$acc declare deviceptr(A,B,C)
type(c_devptr), dimension(batch_count), device :: devptr_A, devptr_B, devptr_C
real(8), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
character(len=1), intent(in) :: transA, transB
#if defined(__CUDA)
attributes(DEVICE) :: A,B,C
integer :: stat, i
integer :: cublasTransA, cublasTransB
type(DGEMM_BATCHED_STATE), intent(in) :: state
if (transA == 'N') then
cublasTransA = CUBLAS_OP_N
else if (transA == 'T') then
cublasTransA = CUBLAS_OP_T
print *, "Invalid transA value"
end if
if (transB == 'N') then
cublasTransB = CUBLAS_OP_N
else if (transB == 'T') then
cublasTransB = CUBLAS_OP_T
print *, "Invalid transB value"
end if
!$acc host_data use_device(state%devptr_A, state%devptr_B, state%devptr_C)
CALL broadcast_array(state, A, state%devptr_A)
CALL broadcast_array(state, B, state%devptr_B)
CALL broadcast_array(state, C, state%devptr_C)
devptr_A = state%devptr_A
devptr_B = state%devptr_B
devptr_C = state%devptr_C
!$acc end host_data
!$acc host_data use_device(state%devptr_A, state%devptr_B, state%devptr_C)
stat = cublasDgemmBatched( &
state%handle, &
cublasTransA, cublasTransB, &
m, n, k, &
alpha, &
devptr_A, ldA, &
devptr_B, ldB, &
beta, &
devptr_C, ldC, &
!$acc end host_data
if (stat /= CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) then
print *, "CUBLAS error: ", stat
end if
end subroutine bcast_dgemm_3D_2D
end module bcast_mul
program main
use cudafor
use cublas
use iso_c_binding
use bcast_mul
implicit none
integer, parameter :: mdim = 8, batch_count = 1024, iter_count = 10
real(8), dimension(mdim,mdim,batch_count) :: A, C
real(8), dimension(mdim,mdim) :: B
type(c_devptr), dimension(batch_count) :: devptr_A, devptr_B, devptr_C
real, dimension(iter_count) :: times
real, dimension(iter_count) :: times_2
type(DGEMM_BATCHED_STATE) :: state
integer :: stat, i, j, k, iter
real(8) :: alpha, beta, idx, mysum
type(cublasHandle) :: handle
character(len=128) :: argv
real :: clock_start, clock_end
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0.d0)
write (*,'(A,I15)'), 'Matrix dim: ', mdim
write (*,'(A,I15)'), 'Batch count: ', batch_count
call init_dgemm_batched_broadcast(state,batch_count)
do iter=1,iter_count
! Fill A,B diagonals with sin(i) data, C diagonal with cos(i)^2
! Matrices are arranged column major
do k=1,batch_count
do j=1,mdim
do i=1,mdim
if (i==j) then
idx = real(j*mdim + i)
A(i,j,k) = k*sin(idx)
B(i,j) = sin(idx)
C(i,j,k) = k*cos(idx) * cos(idx)
A(i,j,k) = 0.0
B(i,j) = 0.0
C(i,j,k) = 0.0
enddo ! i
enddo ! j
enddo ! k
alpha = 1.0
beta = 1.0
!$acc data copy (A,B,C)
call cpu_time(clock_start)
!$acc host_data use_device(A,B,C)
call dgemm_batched_broadcast(state,'N','N', mdim, mdim, mdim, alpha, A, mdim, B, mdim, beta, C, mdim, batch_count)
!$acc end host_data
!$acc end data
stat = cudaDeviceSynchronize()
call cpu_time(clock_end)
times(iter) = clock_end - clock_start
! Simple sanity test, mysum up all elements
mysum = 0.0
do k=1,batch_count
do j=1,mdim
do i=1,mdim
mysum = mysum + C(i,j,k)
print *, ''
write (*,'(A,I15)'), 'Iter: ', iter
write (*,'(A,F15.3)'), 'Sum is: ', mysum
write (*,'(A,F15.3)'), 'Should be: ', float(mdim*(batch_count)*(batch_count+1)/2)
print *, ''
write (*,'(A,ES15.3)'), 'Expect FLOP count: ', real(batch_count * (2*mdim**3 + 3*mdim**2))
write (*,'(A,ES15.3,ES11.3,ES11.3)'), 'Avg/min/max time (s): ', &
SUM(times)/SIZE(times), MINVAL(times), MAXVAL(times)
stat = cublasDestroy(handle)
call destroy_dgemm_batched_state(state)
end program
when I run the code with export NV_ACC_NOTIFY=2
I get to see the following trace:
upload CUDA data file=main.f90 function=main line=257 device=0 threadid=1 variable=descriptor bytes=224
upload CUDA data file=main.f90 function=main line=257 device=0 threadid=1 variable=a(:,:,:) bytes=524288
upload CUDA data file=main.f90 function=main line=257 device=0 threadid=1 variable=descriptor bytes=176
upload CUDA data file=main.f90 function=main line=257 device=0 threadid=1 variable=b(:,:) bytes=512
upload CUDA data file=main.f90 function=main line=257 device=0 threadid=1 variable=descriptor bytes=224
upload CUDA data file=main.f90 function=main line=257 device=0 threadid=1 variable=c(:,:,:) bytes=524288
upload CUDA data file=main.f90 function=broadcast_array_3d line=55 device=0 threadid=1 variable=transfer$r bytes=8
download CUDA data file=main.f90 function=broadcast_array_3d line=59 device=0 threadid=1 variable=transfer$r bytes=8
upload CUDA data file=main.f90 function=broadcast_array_2d line=38 device=0 threadid=1 variable=transfer$r bytes=8
download CUDA data file=main.f90 function=broadcast_array_2d line=42 device=0 threadid=1 variable=transfer$r bytes=8
upload CUDA data file=main.f90 function=broadcast_array_3d line=55 device=0 threadid=1 variable=transfer$r bytes=8
download CUDA data file=main.f90 function=broadcast_array_3d line=59 device=0 threadid=1 variable=transfer$r bytes=8
download CUDA data file=main.f90 function=main line=264 device=0 threadid=1 variable=c(:,:,:) bytes=524288
download CUDA data file=main.f90 function=main line=264 device=0 threadid=1 variable=b(:,:) bytes=512
download CUDA data file=main.f90 function=main line=264 device=0 threadid=1 variable=a(:,:,:) bytes=524288
I am confused by the copies of transfer$r
since I cannot really pinpoint where they coming from. Also one peculiar behavior is that when I remove vector_length(1) num_gangs(1)
the code doesnot work so I am not sure why but I dont really care about this but if someone can provide some insight that would be nice.
P.S. There are other overloads for the bcast_dgemm_*
but I removed them for brevity since they are not used in this snippet.
I tried setting everything to being explicitly present present(state, state%batch_count, devptr,array)
but offcourse that didnot help. I tried using acc_attach
and acc_detach
in the init_dgemm_batched_broadcast
and destroy_dgemm_batched_state
functions, but that didnot help either. Also the copies donot show in the compiler output:
NVFORTRAN-W-0194-INTENT(IN) argument cannot be defined - devptr (main.f90: 28)
0 inform, 1 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for broadcast_array_2d
NVFORTRAN-W-0194-INTENT(IN) argument cannot be defined - devptr (main.f90: 45)
0 inform, 1 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for broadcast_array_3d
NVFORTRAN-W-0155-MODULE PROCEDURE not defined: bcast_dgemm_2d_3d (main.f90: 197)
NVFORTRAN-W-0155-MODULE PROCEDURE not defined: bcast_dgemm_2d_2d (main.f90: 197)
NVFORTRAN-W-0155-MODULE PROCEDURE not defined: bcast_dgemm_3d_3d (main.f90: 197)
0 inform, 3 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for init_dgemm_batched_broadcast
38, Generating present(state%batch_count,state)
Generating implicit firstprivate(batch_size)
Generating NVIDIA GPU code
39, !$acc loop seq
55, Generating NVIDIA GPU code
56, !$acc loop seq
55, Generating default present(state)
90, Generating enter data create(state)
91, Generating enter data create(state%batch_count)
97, Generating enter data create(state%devptr_a(:))
98, Generating enter data create(state%devptr_b(:))
99, Generating enter data create(state%devptr_c(:))
100, Generating update device(state%batch_count)
115, Generating exit data delete(state%devptr_a(:))
116, Generating exit data delete(state%devptr_b(:))
117, Generating exit data delete(state%devptr_c(:))
118, Generating exit data delete(state%batch_count)
119, Generating exit data delete(state)
249, Generating copy(a(:,:,:),c(:,:,:),b(:,:)) [if not already present]
280, sum reduction inlined
minval reduction inlined
maxval reduction inlined
I am using nvfortran version:
nvfortran 23.11-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp znver3
NVIDIA Compilers and Tools
Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
"transfer" needs to store the result in a temp before it can be assigned and "transfer$r" is the base pointer to this temp result. Ideally the compiler could make this implicitly private, but can't here since it's a pointer being passed to a device subroutine. Hence it gets passed in as a shared variable thus causing the data transfers and prevents parallelism.
I've not seen anyone use "transfer" in this way. Typically folks do a copy of the device pointers as illustrated in Greg Ruetsch's post on calling cuBlas batched routines from CUDA Fortran: https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/cuda-pro-tip-how-call-batched-cublas-routines-cuda-fortran/
Greg's post is a bit old and you no longer need to define your own interfaces to the cuBlas routines, but hopefully you might find the core algorithm helpful.
On a side note, CUDA Fortran implicitly defines "_CUDA" not "__CUDA" so the "device" attribute is not getting applied.