
Save JSON documents in ElasticSearch using ElasticsearchRepository (Java/Spring-data)

I am trying to store entities containing (only) a json String in ElasticSearch, but want the fields in the json document to be stored individually in Elastic and NOT as a single String.

I am using the ElasticsearchRepository

public interface MyRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<MyEntity, Long>

And have set up my entity as follows:

@Document(indexName = "my-index")
public class MyEntity
    private Long key;
    private String json;

If the json object were simple, I could re-create all fields in the entity and map to those fields. Example:

json = "{"key":"123", "name":"Bob", "age":30, ...}"

And in MyEntity:

public class MyEntity
    private Long key;
    private String name;
    private String age;
    // And so on ...

I know this would work, but the real json strings contain hundreds of (nested) fields, which is why I do not want to have to re-create all of these in the entity class.

Can I achieve the same result without having to write out all the fields and still using

This related question is from 2015. The solution passes a json file to 'setSource(jsonDoc)', but it does not look like the entities being saved contain any json.

Many thanks for your help!


  • You can use the @Field(type = FieldType.Object) annotation to store JSON documents in Elasticsearch with fields indexed individually and without having to recreate all the fields in your entity class. Try this approach;

    @Document(indexName = "my-index")
    public class MyEntity {
       private Long key;
       @Field(type = FieldType.Object)
       private Map<String, Object> json;