
How Can I Reduce Delay When Sending File Contents to Kafka Producer Using Script?

I want to write a bash script to constantly add new files to a folder and use cat to send the file contents to a Kafka producer with:

    cat $FILEPATH |$KAFKA_HOME/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test 

But it generally takes more than 4 seconds to finish the execution. I am wondering if there's any way to write a script to automatically add new messages to a Kafka producer with less delay.

I also tried to echo the contents of the file to the producer instead, but the delay still exists. So, I think it has something to do with the producer command.


  • The JVM needs to startup, yes, but that shouldn't take very long. You could try installing kcat command instead, but you should first try without using cat

    kafka-console-producer ... < $FILEPATH

    Otherwise, you're running the producer command for each line of the file Useless use of cat?

    automatically add new messages to a Kafka producer

    This doesn't require a shell script. You can use Kafka Connect, Filebeat, Fluentbit, etc to watch a directory of files automatically and produce their lines to Kafka