
How can I get a separated row instead of a CSV concated group?

I have the following query:

FROM cte t
LEFT JOIN products p
    ON p.tag_id = t.id
GROUP BY t.orig_id
HAVING SUM(t.id = 6) > 0;

It returns something like this:

| names                               |
| iPhone 14 Promax,Samsung Galaxy A55 |

But I want the following result:

| id | names                               |
| 2  | iPhone 14 Promax                    |
| 3  | Samsung Galaxy A55                  |

Any idea how can I get that result?

Online Demo


  • With the data from your "Online Demo" link (already prepared with the recursion) there is no need for creating a list with Group_Concat() function to get the expected result.

    WITH      --  S a m p l e    D a t a : 
      RECURSIVE tags AS (
        SELECT 1 AS id, 'Home' AS name, NULL AS parent_id UNION ALL
        SELECT 2, 'Kitchen', 1 UNION ALL
        SELECT 3, 'Serving and reception', 2 UNION ALL
        SELECT 4, 'Spoon', 3 UNION ALL
        SELECT 5, 'Digital', NULL UNION ALL
        SELECT 6, 'Communication', 5 UNION ALL
        SELECT 7, 'Cellphone', 6
    products AS (
        SELECT 1 AS id, 'Dinner Spoon Set,16 Pcs 7.3" Tablespoons' AS name, 4 AS tag_id UNION ALL
        SELECT 2, 'iPhone 14 Promax', 7  UNION ALL
        SELECT 3, 'Samsung Galaxy A55', 7
    cte (id, name, parent_id, orig_id) AS (
        SELECT id, name, parent_id, id AS orig_id
        FROM tags
        WHERE parent_id IS NULL
        UNION ALL
        SELECT t1.id, t1.name, t1.parent_id, t2.orig_id
        FROM tags t1
        INNER JOIN cte t2
            ON t2.id = t1.parent_id

    Using same joined objects with the same ON condition as in your code you can select the product id and name directly - without creating the list that should be splitted back again. Since there is a kind of hardcoding in your list generating code ...

    Having SUM(t.id = 6) > 0 

    you could do the same in main sql's where clause like bellow (Where t.name = 'Cellphone') or (Where t.id = 7)

    --    M a i n    S Q L :
    Select    p.id, p.name
    From      cte t
    Left Join products p ON(p.tag_id = t.id)
    Where     t.name = 'Cellphone' 
    --   OR Where t.id = 7
    /*    R e s u l t :
    id  name
    --  ---------------------
     2  iPhone 14 Promax
     3  Samsung Galaxy A55     */

    However, if you need to use your having clause condition (no metter why) then just use it as a correlated subquery in main sql's Where clause like here:

    --    M a i n    S Q L :
    Select    p.id, p.name
    From      cte t
    Left Join products p ON(p.tag_id = t.id)
    Where     t.id = (Select   Max(id) 
                      From     cte 
                      Where    orig_id = t.orig_id 
                      Group By orig_id 
                      Having   Sum(id = 6) > 0) 

    ... result is the same as above ...
    See the fiddle here.