so, I am creating a blog, and right now, I am in the settings part, and I have a slide panel with a button that I want it to go to a new window where I will create new widgets and etc..., I have already done this kinda of thing to login and sign_up, the thing is that now I can't use pack.forget(), it just doesn't work
class SlidePanel(customtkinter.CTkFrame):
def __init__(self, parent, start_pos, end_pos):
super().__init__(master=parent, fg_color="white")
# Attributes
self.start_pos = start_pos
self.end_pos = end_pos
self.width = abs(start_pos - end_pos)
# Animated attributes
self.pos = start_pos
self.in_start_pos = True
# Layout, rely=0.05, relwidth=0.25, relheight=0.9) # Adjust the width to 0.25
# Add buttons
def add_buttons(self):
button_explore = customtkinter.CTkButton(self, text="Explore", command=self.on_explore)
button_profile = customtkinter.CTkButton(self, text="Profile", command=self.on_profile)
button_settings = customtkinter.CTkButton(self, text="Settings", command=self.on_settings)
button_explore.pack(expand=True, pady=7)
button_profile.pack(expand=True, pady=7)
button_settings.pack(expand=True, pady=7)
def on_explore(self):
print("Explore button clicked")
def on_profile(self):
print("Profile button clicked")
def on_settings(self):
def animate(self):
if self.in_start_pos:
def animate_forward(self):
if self.pos < self.end_pos:
self.pos += 0.005 # Increase the step size for faster animation, rely=0.05, relwidth=0.25, relheight=0.9) # Adjust the width to 0.25
self.after(5, self.animate_forward)
self.in_start_pos = False
def animate_backward(self):
if self.pos > self.start_pos:
self.pos -= 0.005 # Increase the step size for faster animation, rely=0.05, relwidth=0.25, relheight=0.9) # Adjust the width to 0.25
self.after(5, self.animate_backward)
self.in_start_pos = True
def open_settings_window():
for widget in window.winfo_children():
window.title("Settings Hub") # Update title
# Create the new widgets for the settings page
label = customtkinter.CTkLabel(window, text="test",)
I was expecting it to kinda refresh we will say and to put me a clean window, with new title, a label inside just for test
Did you use the pack method when putting in that widget? pack_forget() method only works for widgets that are "packed" in tkinter.