Am trying to implement a circuit breaker pattern . Using Mule 4.4
Am consuming a message from Anypoint MQ
queue and then trying to call a downstream api
here is the code :
<flow name="create-emp-flow">
<anypoint-mq:subscriber doc:name="Subscriber - Create user"
config-ref="Anypoint_MQ_Configuration" destination="emp.create.queue}"
<redelivery-policy maxRedeliveryCount="1"/>
<anypoint-mq:circuit-breaker tripTimeout="150000"
onErrorTypes="HTTP:INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,MULE:UNKNOWN" errorsThreshold="3"/>
<http:request method="GET" doc:name="HACK - Mock CALL return a ISE500"
config-ref="MOCK_Request_Configuration" path="/emp" >
<http:response-validator >
<http:success-status-code-validator values="200" />
<error-handler >
<on-error-continue enableNotifications="true" logException="true"
doc:name="On Error Continue" type="MULE:REDELIVERY_EXHAUSTED">
<anypoint-mq:publish doc:name="Publish to DLQ"
config-ref="Anypoint_MQ_Configuration" destination="emp.dlq" />
<on-error-propagate enableNotifications="true" logException="true"
doc:name="On Error Propagate" >
<logger .../>
So the sequence is :
#1 consume message from queue ( maxRedeliveryCount=1
#2 then call a HTTP endpoint - here I am purposefully returniing a 500 ISE error
Note - the subscriber is configured with a Circuit breaker
with a maxThreshhold = 3
and types of error to trigger Circuit breaker being HTTP:INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,MULE:UNKNOWN
#3 Now since the HTTP call is returning an ISE the exception in mule shows as HTTP:INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
which is what I would like to generate
Now since I have redelivery configured the message is retried once more and again on failure we reach the condition MULE:REDELIVERY_EXHAUSTED
, so message is published to DLQ
Things are good upto this point . Now I publish multiple messages to the queue and same behaviour as above is observed
Now I would expect circuit breaker to kick in after the 3rd message is consumed , retried and published to DLQ . After the 3rd message was expecting the subsequent messages to NOT be consumed till 2.5 minutes have elapsed
However the subscriber seems to merrily consume messages with no sign of Circuit breaker kicking in .
Note - I want to use the <redelivery-policy maxRedeliveryCount="1"/>
and not rely on max delivery which is configured on the queue in Anypointmq ( 10 by default )
so not sure why circuit breaker is not kicking in ?
From the Connector documentation
If a Mule flow finishes its execution with an error, the Subscriber source checks if the error is one of the onErrorTypes that indicates an external service error, and counts consecutive occurrences until errorsThreshold is reached.
So the errors should be consecutive to transition the circuit in "open" state. The problem with your implementation is that you have on-error-continue
error, which means that the subscriber will treat the execution of the poll as a success and not an error. And therefore it will stop the circuit to get into open state and the error counter will reset
For making it work with the redelivery-policy
you need to make the following changes
to on-error-propogate
error to delete the message from MQon-error-propogate
to retain the message for the next pollThis will make the source to not consider the REDELIVERY_EXHAUSTED
as a success and the circuit should open after consecutive 3 errors (which is the errorThreshold