I copy and paste between Excel and PPT using VBA.
The PastePicture creates grey borders that I do not want.
How do I remove those borders?
Sub CopyAndPaste()
Dim PPTApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPTShape As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim PPTFile As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim mySlide As Object
Dim strPresPath As String, strExcelFilePath As String, strNewPresPath As String
strPresPath = "C:\Users\xxxxxxxx"
strExcelFilePath = "C:\Users\pppppppp"
Set PPTApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
PPTApp.Visible = msoTrue
Set PPTFile = PPTApp.Presentations.Open(strPresPath)
'Step 1 Copy the data
Workbooks("Globalyyyy").Worksheets("ILLUSTRATIONS CHARTS").Range("B58:G69").CopyPicture
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Step 2 Paste the data
Set mySlide = PPTFile.Slides(5)
With mySlide
mySlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPastePicture 'DataType:=ppEnhancedMetafile
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
As @Haluk mentioned, you have to "erase" the cell borders by drawing them as the background color. The code below is an example for how to accomplish this.
I've included a bonus function for attaching to PowerPoint that I find very useful.
Option Explicit
Sub CopyAndPaste()
Dim PPTApp As PowerPoint.Application
Set PPTApp = AttachToMSPowerPointApplication
PPTApp.Visible = msoTrue
Dim PPTFile As PowerPoint.Presentation
Set PPTFile = PPTApp.Presentations.Add
Dim mySlide As Object
PPTFile.Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutText
Set mySlide = PPTFile.Slides(1)
Dim myData As Range
Set myData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ILLUSTRATIONS CHARTS").Range("B58:G69")
'Step 0 - "erase" the grid lines
With myData.Borders
'--- you can optionally save the existing setting for the borders,
' then return them to their original state when you're done
Dim ogLineStyle As XlLineStyle
Dim ogColor As XlColorIndex
Dim ogWeight As Long
ogLineStyle = .LineStyle
ogWeight = .Weight
ogColor = .Color
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Color = myData.Interior.Color 'set to same as background color
.Weight = xlThin
'Step 1 Copy the data
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Step 2 Paste the data
'Step 3 restore the original borders
.LineStyle = ogLineStyle
.Color = ogColor
.Weight = ogWeight
End With
End Sub
Public Function AttachToMSPowerPointApplication() As PowerPoint.Application
'--- finds an existing and running instance of MS PowerPoint, or starts
' the application if one is not already running
Dim msppApp As PowerPoint.Application
On Error Resume Next
Set msppApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")
If Err > 0 Then
'--- we have to start one
' an exception will be raised if the application is not installed
Set msppApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
End If
Set AttachToMSPowerPointApplication = msppApp
End Function