When i run this KQL query it does not return total memory of a VM just the available memory.
I am trying to calculate the % available memory but i cant without the total memory on the VM.
What am i doing wrong? I have validated the available memory which appears to be accurate.
KQL query returns available memory but not Total Memory
You can use below KQL query to fetch the VM Total memory
, free memory
and percentage of free memory
| where Origin == "vm.azm.ms" and Namespace == "Memory"
| extend TotalMemoryGB=(todynamic(Tags)["vm.azm.ms/memorySizeMB"])/(1000)
| summarize AailableMemoryGB = avg(Val)/(1000) by Computer, TotalMemoryGB, _ResourceId
| extend Availabile_Memory_Percentage=(AailableMemoryGB/TotalMemoryGB)*100
| project Computer, TotalMemoryGB, AailableMemoryGB,Availabile_Memory_Percentage
Reference: KQL Query Free Disk Space