
Unable to connect from MySQL Workbench to AWS RDS instance

I have created a MySQL instance in AWS and trying to connect with it from MySQL workbench from my local system.

I made the MySQL instance publically accessible, added a security group and set inbound rules to allow traffic. as shown below

mysql summary mysql details

mysql security group

mysql workbench But when I am trying to connect from MySQL workbench

I get error as shown here mysql error

I spent almost a day to resolve this but no luck

Anyone please help me.

Here is the route tables route tables


subnets: subnets

route table : route


  • Looks like the database is launched in a private subnet. If the need to publicly access the data, it need to be in a public subnet. A subnet can be made public by attaching Internet Gateway to the route table associated with the subnet.

    Please follow the steps below to attached Internet Gateway to the Route table.

    1. Open the Route Table
    2. Click on Edit Routes
    3. Click on Add route
    4. Select Destination as
    5. Select Target as Internet Gateway
    6. Save Changes