I am looking for help to extract or capture the free MB value from the stdout_lines
of an Ansible playbook execution and use that value as a criteria to proceed further in the playbook.
My task output is :
ok: [Host1] => {
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"commands": [
"show file systems | inc flash:"
"interval": 1,
"match": "all",
"retries": 10,
"wait_for": null
"stdout": [
"* 1707192 (1.6 GB) 603744 (589.6 MB) flash rw flash:"
"stdout_lines": [
"* 1707192 (1.6 GB) 603744 (589.6 MB) flash rw flash:"
I tried to use
- set_fact:
my_var: "{{ disk_space.stdout_lines | regex_findall('\\b([0-9]{1,4}\\.\\d+)\\s+MB.*flash:$') }}"
But I always get an empty output:
ok: [Host1] => {
"ansible_facts": {
"my_var": []
"changed": false
I would like to capture 589.6
value from the output and assign it to variable to be used in my further play.
An other possible approach is shown in the following minimal example playbook
- name: Cisco 'show file systems'
hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
stdout: "* 1707192 (1.6 GB) 603744 (589.6 MB) flash rw flash:"
- "* 1707192 (1.6 GB) 603744 (589.6 MB) flash rw flash:"
- name: Show stdout with data cleansing
msg: "{{ disk_space.stdout | regex_replace(' *', ' ') }}"
- name: Show value of 4th column in KB
msg: "{{ ( disk_space.stdout | regex_replace(' *', ' ') | split(' ') )[4] }} KB"
- name: Show value of 4th column in MB
msg: "{{ ( disk_space.stdout | regex_replace(' *', ' ') | split(' ') )[4] | int / 1024 }} MB"
resulting into an output of
TASK [Show stdout with data cleansing] **********************
ok: [localhost] =>
msg: '* 1707192 (1.6 GB) 603744 (589.6 MB) flash rw flash:'
TASK [Show value of 4th column in KB] ***********************
ok: [localhost] =>
msg: 603744 KB
TASK [Show value of 4th column in MB] ***********************
ok: [localhost] =>
msg: 589.59375 MB
Or even
- name: Show value of 5th column after cleansing
msg: "{{ ( result.stdout | regex_replace(' *', ' ') | replace('(', '') | replace(')', '') | split(' ') )[5] }}"
with result of
TASK [Show value of 5th column] ****************************
ok: [localhost] =>
msg: '589.6'