I am trying to find a way to trigger a console lint error (or even a build error) when a Type member is called, but does not exist. Currently, I would have to know and open the offending file to see the error. This makes it easy to send bugs to production. Looking at eslint and typescript-eslint, there does not seem to be a rule for this. Anyone have a suggestion to add this check?
I am using the Vite build tool, as well as SonarCloud via Bitbucket.
eslint Config
module.exports = {
root: true,
env: { browser: true, es2020: true },
extends: ['eslint:recommended', 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended', 'plugin:react-hooks/recommended'],
ignorePatterns: ['dist', '.eslintrc.cjs'],
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
plugins: ['react-refresh'],
rules: {
'react-refresh/only-export-components': ['warn', { allowConstantExport: true }],
'@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'warn'
export enum ExampleItem {
Item1: 'Item 1',
Item2: 'Item 2',
Item3: 'Item 3' //was deleted from file without a proper regression test
const item3 = ExampleItem.Item3; //does not exist, how to error this in console?
fake-picks up the error. But adding /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */
disables that specific error in the file and still leaves behind the missing Type member without flagging it.
And, this may really be asking to find a linter for any kind of missing object member.
Eslint does not flag this as an error (because it doesn't verify types), but TypeScript's type-checker (tsc
) will.
export enum ExampleItem {
Item1 = 'Item 1',
Item2 = 'Item 2',
const item3 = ExampleItem.Item3; // Error: Property 'Item3' does not exist on type 'typeof ExampleItem'.