
Partial exists in dictionary

I m looking for a way to check if a value included in a dictionary, Excel - VBA. However, simple dict.Exists("") is not the right approach in this situation because the searching value with not be exactly the same with the value in the dictionary.

For example I m look for the word apple in the dictionary which includeds the phrase fruit apple. So apple included in the dictionary as fruit apple. Case sensitivity much be avoided.

Currently, I looping the dictionary which is time consuming.

Is ther any additions like dict.Exists("*apple*")

Any ideas?


  • Sounds like a perfect job for the (relatively unknown) Filter() function.

    Sub Test()
    Dim Dict As Object: Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dict.Add "Apples", "Found You!"
    Dict.Add "Banana", 2
    Dict.Add "Cherry", 3
    Dict.Add "Date", 4
    Dict.Add "Elderberry", 5
    r_out = Filter(Dict.Keys, "apple", 1, 1)
    If UBound(r_out) > -1 Then
        'Do something with r_out, which is an array of all matched keys
        'For example, traverse filtered keys and return values:
        For i = 0 To UBound(r_out)
            Debug.Print Dict(r_out(i))
        'Something if no matches are found
        Debug.Print "Bummer"
    End If
    End Sub

    4 Parameters:

    I'm unsure what you want to do next...