i have used my script to pull API Data (thanks to those who helped) next stage of my problem... the JSON file came back like below
"team": {
"division": "divison1",
"rank": 1,
"team_name": "team name 1",
"team_id": "82f9a58f",
"value": 1450,
"score": 2417,
"w/d/l": "35/10/6"
"coach": {
"coach_name": "coach a",
"coach_id": "4364b994",
"lang": "english",
"country": null
[in a csv the data looks like this] (https://i.sstatic.net/AEmwua8J.png)
i now need to get this into .csv with the formatting below.
division,rank,team_name,team_id,value,score,w/d/l,coach_name,coach_id,lang,country division1,1,team name 1,82f9a58f,1450,2417,35/10/6,coach a,4364b994,english,null
anyone know how i can do this? have had a search around and cant find anything that has worked so far
searched around but to no avail
To convert your JSON data to a CSV file with the desired format, you can use Python. The pandas library is particularly useful for this kind of data manipulation. Here’s a script that accomplishes this task:
import json
import pandas as pd
# Sample JSON data
json_data = '''
"team": {
"division": "division1",
"rank": 1,
"team_name": "team name 1",
"team_id": "82f9a58f",
"value": 1450,
"score": 2417,
"w/d/l": "35/10/6"
"coach": {
"coach_name": "coach a",
"coach_id": "4364b994",
"lang": "english",
"country": null
# Load JSON data
data = json.loads(json_data)
# Normalize the JSON data into a flat table
team_data = pd.json_normalize(data)
# Create a DataFrame with the desired columns
df = pd.DataFrame({
'division': team_data['team.division'],
'rank': team_data['team.rank'],
'team_name': team_data['team.team_name'],
'team_id': team_data['team.team_id'],
'value': team_data['team.value'],
'score': team_data['team.score'],
'w/d/l': team_data['team.w/d/l'],
'coach_name': team_data['coach.coach_name'],
'coach_id': team_data['coach.coach_id'],
'lang': team_data['coach.lang'],
'country': team_data['coach.country']
# Save the DataFrame to a CSV file
df.to_csv('output.csv', index=False)